jeffrey combs brainiac

It will flare up, and the Earth will be incinerated. [97], In the Adventures of Supergirl comic, which takes place in the universe of the Supergirl TV series, a very different version of Vril Dox appears as a recurring villain. [63] For comparison, the population of 20th century Earth as a whole constitutes a sixth-level intelligence and the population of 31st century Earth as a whole is a ninth-level intelligence. Combs also does voice acting on the side and has voiced Scarecrow in The New Batman Adventures and Batman: Rise of Sin Tzu, Question and Dr. Now deprived of his ship and technology, and seemingly depowered by his ship's destruction, Brainiac finds himself faced by an entire city of angry, solar-powered Kryptonians. This frees the Lanterns, and somehow restores them to their normal size and strength, after which they immediately start rampaging inside the ship and trashing Brainiac/Larfleeze's collection. Developing the ability to absorb and manipulate massive amounts of stellar energy, he remade himself as "Pulsar Stargrave". This version of Brainiac has destroyed billions of populated worlds, including Krypton—a departure from most versions, where he merely collects Kandor and moves on, leaving the planet to die a natural death. The true Brainiac lacked psychic powers, but still possessed super physical attributes, intelligence, and technopathy. [38], Notably, upon learning of Brainiac's modus operandi of destroying planets by destabilizing nearby stars when he is done collecting cities and knowledge from said planets, Superman openly speculates that Brainiac destroyed Krypton, which was destroyed when its sun went nova soon after Brainiac abducted Kandor and Argo. Brainiac Kid Flash then returns to the 21st century, promising to rescue Hot Pursuit from Brainiac. [75] Superman Secret Files and Origins 2009 further state that Brainiac is "as strong and invulnerable as a Kryptonian."[76]. However, the virus instead allowed his upgraded future self, Brainiac 13 (or "B-13"), to travel from the 64th century to the present day and take control of Brainiac 2.5's body. [1] He is usually depicted as an extraterrestrial android or cyborg who serves as one of Superman's greatest enemies and a frequent adversary of the Justice League. Brainiac's ship then travels to Earth and prepares to abduct the city of Metropolis. He possesses a level of strength vastly surpassing that of a full-powered Superman; capable of easily overpowering the Kryptonian in a grapple and flooring him with a single punch, breaking his near-invulnerable skin by squeezing Superman's head with his fingers,[72] and catching one of Superman's punches and crushing his hand until it bled, forcing Superman to his knees. Jeffrey Combs is a voice actor known for voicing Question, Ratchet, and Scarecrow / Jonathan Crane. Luthor mocks him and spits in his eye before Brainiac angrily snaps Luthor's neck, killing him. Upon returning to Krypton, however, Brainiac discovered Krypton had been destroyed.[42]. The android version of Brainiac was capable of downloading his consciousness to spare, robotic bodies in the event that his original was destroyed or damaged. In Batman: The Dark Knight Strikes Again, set in a world where heroes have been publicly 'retired' for years as Lex Luthor took over and blackmailed assorted heroes into acting as his discreet 'servants', Brainiac is working with Luthor to keep the city of Kandor contained, the two destroying one Kryptonian family each time Superman defies them. [92], Brainiac is one of the villains in the Justice League/Power Rangers crossover, when the Power Rangers and Lord Zedd accidentally travel to the DC Universe through a teleportation accident, with the Rangers arriving in Gotham City,[93] while Zedd finds himself in one of the trapped cities on Brainiac's ship. He also has a new braincase helmet that resembles his Silver Age diodes. Brainiac is known for shrinking and stealing Kandor, the capital city of Superman's home planet Krypton, and is even responsible for Krypton's destruction in some continuities. [33], Around the time of the Graduation Day event, a future version of Brainiac, called Brainiac 6, used his "granddaughter", Brainiac 8 (also known as Indigo), to kill Donna Troy in order to ensure the fate of Colu. In the 1980s, DC Comics attempted to re-define several aspects of Superman's stories to boost sagging sales. After this organic body was destroyed, Brainiac's consciousness built and possessed various robotic bodies and occasionally hijacked other organic bodies (such as Doomsday's). Rubber-Forehead Aliens: Brainiac is a Coluan, resembling a green humanoid (specifically Jeffrey Combs) with metallic appendages covering his body. He is famous for portraying various alien characters in the Star Trek franchise. Supergirl ends up captured along with the rest of Metropolis, but Superman breaks out of his restraints again and frees her. One of these robots attacked Krypton. It demands Superman. In a previous story, Brainiac had constructed a giant, computer-controlled planet to destroy Superman only to then be defeated by the hero and then trapped in the planet's core. Initially, he had the weakness of being disabled by his mysophobia and sensory overload when dumped into Earth's atmosphere,[73] though he does not seem to have this defect in his later battles on Earth, such as when he defeated Superboy,[77] suggesting that he had fixed it, or that he is only overloaded in particularly dirty environments. Retrieved 29 May 2015. [83] By the Superman: Doomed story arc, Brainiac has used his twelfth-level intellect to become an enormously powerful psychic and telepath, augmented by the minds that he has stolen and digitized from across the galaxy, and capable of taking control of all eight billion minds on Earth at the same time. Using this newfound power he either recreated or interacted with all the different iterations of himself throughout the multiverse, using his New 52 incarnation as yet another one of his many probes. The effects are shown to take down attack helicopters and send cars flying. Superman appears to have been fatally stricken. Contact Info: Brainiac is a bald, green-skinned humanoid who arrives on Earth and shrinks various cities, including Metropolis, storing them in bottles with the intent of using them to restore the then-unnamed planet he ruled. He still appears to possess the physical strength and near-invulnerability of his Post-Crisis counterpart, as shown when he easily defeats the Cyborg Superman. His plan is undone when Superman drags him, mothership and all, into a black hole. Kelex then reactivated the Red Tornado to help Superman break Brainiac 13 down into his respective nanobots and trap him in the suit. | [51] and even upgrading her body to contain his 12th level intelligence. But the villain remained unseen except as a plot twist at the end of the story. Created by Otto Binder and Al Plastino, the character debuted in Action Comics #242 in July 1958. He intended to get people from other planets (in shrunken cities to be enlarged with his growth ray) to repopulate Bryak, where he would rule them. The robot heavily resembles both Brainiac's 1983 skeleton-esque incarnation and the robotic drones utilized by the post-2008 version of Brainiac. List of The 4400 characters - Wikipedia The title of the series was first announced in February 2010 as Transformers: Prime on Jeffrey Combs ' website. With his ship, his vast knowledge, and his powerful technology, Brainiac has captured thousands of cities and has assimilated and destroyed just as many civilizations, making him the worst mass murderer in the history of the Milky Way[81] and one of the most feared beings in the known universe. Superman escapes from his imprisonment and sees Brainiac emerging from his "bio-shell". [7] In his initial story, he also traveled with a white alien monkey named Koko; the monkey also appears in a 1960 Superman story retelling the story of Kandor's disappearance (Superman #141 (November 1960)). Ultimately, Brainiac abandons his plans with the Sh'diki Borough and ejects Caul and the bottled city before leaving for parts unknown. This was the first in-story appearance of Brainiac's iconic red diode/electrode-like objects atop his head, which had previously appeared on the cover of his first appearance in Action Comics #242 (July 1958), but were not shown in the actual story. Finally, being separated from his ship for prolonged periods causes him to physically deteriorate and become far less powerful, as Lex Luthor observed while studying his unconscious body over the course of several days when it was in the custody of the U.S. government. Now that I'm done, I'm going back where I belong - the 31st century. Like the Pre-Crisis Brainiac, he is mentally connected to his ship in such a way that he can be disabled for a short period if separated without warning. Brainac breaks out of his prison and, after causing much damage on Colu, escapes with Pulsar Stargrave in tow for parts unknown.[41]. : In the next issue, they are trapped in a bottle, and their jailer is revealed to be a robot claiming to run on "Brainiac 2.0" software. But all they really need to know is that I'm on their side, and always will be. However, after the Syndicate travel to the League's universe, it is revealed that the true mastermind of the scheme was Brainiac, who is revealed to be an organic life form trapped in a tank acting as Ultraman's servant, having manipulated both teams into a position where they will be trapped in each other's worlds and thus unable to win, as the nature of each world means that 'good' and 'evil' will always win in each world. Real Name: Vril Dox Gender: Male Species: Coluan Debut: Action Comics #242 Voice: Jeffrey Combs. Superman: Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow? The Brainiacs successfully engineered Imperiex's defeat, allowing Brainiac 13 to absorb Imperiex's power and use it to overpower the combined heroes and villains of the universe while simultaneously devastating both Earth and Apokolips. Furthermore, he learned how to fight while blind. | At some indeterminate point in time, Brainiac fled into the 30th century. "Adventures of the Super Sons Introduces the Li'l Legion of Doom". Thus, the robot that defeated Starro, the Green Lantern Corps, and the Yellow Lantern Corps before subsequently being dispatched by Larfleeze was, in fact, one of his drones. Despite the loss of his powers, Zod is able to get the upper hand on the similarly powerless Brainiac and force him to his knees. Jeffrey Combs, star of RE-ANIMATOR, has just joined the list of voice actors contributing to DC Comics’ upcoming fighting game INJUSTICE 2. Brainiac is the knowledge-obsessed alien conqueror from Colu. He also demonstrates considerable reality-warping abilities; he claims that the combined psionic power of all the minds he has captured throughout the universe can allow him to change reality to his will, and plans to use this power to remake the universe in his image. Brainiac's nanoswarm body was destroyed, though he had infected the Metal Men during their previous encounter with Metallo. The story concludes in the next miniseries, Superman: War of the Supermen. In Action Comics #544-546 (June–August 1983), Lex Luthor acquires a renewed sense of purpose and dons a high-tech "warsuit," while Brainiac is reimagined by writer Marv Wolfman and artist Gil Kane and given a new appearance designed by Ed Hannigan. In the Post-Crisis DC Universe, Brainiac's history was completely rewritten. He could also possess organic beings in certain circumstances, as he did to Luthor during Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?. With help from a new Coluan assistant named Prin Vnok, Brainiac retrieves Doomsday, the monster that seemingly killed Superman before, and uses him as a new host body. In the Superman: Red Son graphic novel, Brainiac (here depicted as an alien AI) serves as the main antagonist. A descendant of the original Brainiac, but without his homicidal tendencies. While his ship was destroyed, Brainiac's condition and whereabouts after the battle are unknown. Four teams outfitted with Brainiac's technology are formed (including among other members, Lex Luthor, Batman, Wonder Woman, and Sinestro), with Brainiac himself working directly alongside his nemesis, Superman. View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Incredible Member Join Date May 2014 Posts 884. He will be providing the voice of Brainiac in Injustice 2. Superman, realizing the error of his ways, is horrified by the revelation that he has essentially become another Brainiac- "an alien bullying a less-developed species." His motivation for this appears a desire to right the wrongs he feels responsible for: the loss of his wife and child back on Colu. Years later, a… After the probe is defeated, information about Superman's blood is sent to the original Brainiac. The citizens of Kandor recall that Brainiac stole their city from Krypton, and not the alien wizard Tolos.[33]. Zod commands his soldiers to restrain Kal-El so Zod can proceed with the execution of Brainiac. In response, Zod fires the red sun radiation from an Archer rifle at himself, to remove his powers and thus supposedly level the playing field as he prepares to take Brainiac down. He figures out Supergirl's real identity and plans to expose her, then he electrocutes her ally James Olsen from through Winn's computer. Many years ago, Brainiac caused the destruction of the planet Krypton. Using a 'psi-blocker' device, Superman thwarts Brianiac's plans and the villain is forced to house his consciousness within a completely robotic body. Inspired by Supergirl's story, Superman attempts to find Brainiac and stop him. Vril Dox was acknowledged as the greatest scientist on his homeworld, Yod-Colu, given his advances in force field technology and miniaturization. Voice Actor: Jeffrey Combs Bio: Brainiac is an artificial intelligence who may not possess a physical form, but takes the appearance of a bald-headed humanoid with green skin. He attacks Superman with a kryptonite beam weapon, nearly killing him while boasting about how he will conquer the entire universe after finishing off all his foes on Earth. Company Credits Brainiac sends Metallo to attack Superman, but due to Superman reasoning with him over his feelings for Lois Lane, he breaks free of Brainiac's control and joins Superman in his attack. He fought Superman via the use of his advanced technology and cunning, similar to Lex Luthor. : The soullessness and piousness of Brainiac are perfect allowing Combs to steal the show whenever he appears. When the events of Convergence nearly end in an irreversible destruction of the Multiverse, the time traveller Waverider, formerly the pre-Flashpoint Booster Gold, frees Brainiac, who reveals he is sick from his mutations and only wishes to return to normal, to being Brainiac of Colu. His minion Cyborg-Superman (a reconstructed Zor-El, father of Supergirl)[52] constructs a portal to allow Brainiac's command ship and "daughter ships" to travel to Earth from throughout the galaxy. Meanwhile, Superman is about to face off against Brainiac when he is knocked down by a kryptonite energy blast fired by Lex Luthor and subsequently captured. Hoping to create a clone Doomsday form by manipulating human DNA, Brainiac attempts to steal a prematurely born baby Superman is transporting to a Neo-Natal Intensive Care Unit, the newborn child of Pete Ross and Lana Lang. The character's name is a portmanteau of the words brain and maniac. Brainiac is a primary enemy of Superman and with his 12th level intellect is one of the most intelligent beings in the Universe. As the gravitational singularities powering Brainiac's ship threaten to explode, Superman rockets it into outer space, where it blows up. He is considered one of the most powerful villains Superman has ever faced. As Brainiac recollects, during his journey he saw a great hand reach out from a void, ensnaring him briefly before releasing him. Comic Book villain of Injustice 2 make their escape his various incarnations robotic!, people fear Coluans because of my ancestor formulate a plan jeffrey combs brainiac stop him [. 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