is john conteh still alive

What has drawn my attention, Mr. Chairman is how you intend to enforce the Code of Conduct in ways that will not plunge our country into an abyss of chaos, political instability and civil crisis. Now, years later, we have seen some impressive growth in Liberia. Yet, Mississippi did change it, despite having a long history of systemic racism and seeing more lynching of African-Americans than any other state in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. au-courant with its gory modus operandi before the NPFL and the As COVID-19 rages worldwide, nations and governments are taking concrete steps and hopeful measures to curb this life-threatening pandemic. There are those who find complete satisfaction in what they know and how they expect things to be in line with what they know.  These are the ones who, in their stagnancy of thought,  miss out on the richness of going beyond the horrizon, not acknowledging that knowledge,  as life, is is a never ending journey of exploration and discovery. In brief, the President revisited what Liberia faced following the civil war, a monumental task, that in all fairness, she embraced totally as her own. Liberia, a nation of over 4.7million people with one of the lowest electricity access rates in the world (at approximately 12%, USAID). Kiadii “Kpukpor Winn, e Kponyon Sle”: Translate the Kru: It’s the Frog’s Own Sound That Makes the Snake Get It. By: Jerry Wehtee Wion Up to now, no such action to audit the past government has taken precedence... As the expectation of the masses grew beyond the limit, the “Country Giant” along with some of his closest confidants began constructing and purchasing giant-sized properties in less than 4 months even though they claimed to have inherited a broken economy, a claim Sirleaf has consistently refuted. The Autonomy-Tenured Discourse: Legality vs Expediency How James Biney Exploited Pleebo-Sodoken District When He Served As NPP Representative Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are the tumor cell subpopulation responsible for resistance to chemotherapy, tumor recurrence, and metastasis. We remember the horrors of Charles Taylor, his brutal regime in Liberia, and his support of the vicious rape, mutilation, and murder of tens of thousands of people in Sierra Leone and the region. This is because I had hoped that BRAC’s food program would help in making Liberia food-self-sufficient, which could allow the new Government to continue to focus on raising and spending $3.4B on “road connectivity.”. Will Deal Maker Trump Reach A Deal With Liberia? The court is respectfully requested to take judicial notice of this   publicly known and undoubted historical fact. June 2003 Let us use an analogy: “Recordkeeping (leading to financial) to a business is the equivalent of the dashboard displaying flight instruments to an airplane pilot.” Or as stated by an expert, it is extremely important to have good accounting, because “…you cannot run a business if you don’t know whether you are being profitable or not. By Nat Galarea Gbessagee The U.S. government is considering helping Liberia track down more than $100 million in missing cash, an embassy spokesman said, in a case that has triggered a political crisis in the impoverished country. As the year 2020 comes closer for the fifteen-countries of the Economic Community Of West African States (ECOWAS) to form a single currency (ECO), proponents and pessimists are expressing their views. We hope that during this term of court you will find some time to rest, after hearing all cases growing out of the past Special Senatorial Election that may be brought before you. By J. Yanqui Zaza Undeniably, Liberia has one of the most corrupt and unpatriotic Parliaments in the World. The wide range of disagreements and condemnations that have stretched through corridors of the nation’s social, economic, and political hemispheres flavored the outcome of these Elections to be crucial and above all a boost for our struggling democracy. Anyway, as they used to say in ancient Rome: "Vox populi, vox dei", meaning the voice of the people is the voice of God. The countdown is on for June 7, 2019, and with the recent meeting of the minds, while expressing security concerns among other arguments, the government’s position on the looming, planned Peaceful March to present public grievances to President Weah and the ruling body- the Administration – IS NOT BLOCKING THE DEMONSTRATION.  It’s a win for all, with a serious caveat - The eyes are now on the Public to allay the genuine security concerns of the President, by proving that Liberia has come of age, settling her differences through Peaceful Means. By Martin K. N. Kollie Prof. Tokpa believes that the attack on Hon. Removing the Tusk of the White Elephant in the Liberian Media By Dr. Sakui W. G. Malakpa By Gbe Sneh There is no sign of even one (1) being built up to date. On January 16, 2006, when Ellen Johnson Sirleaf became President of Liberia, she raised the hopes of many Liberians of a new day in Liberia and inspired the confidence of the International community when she declared “war against corruption as public enemy number one.” The President dashed the hopes of the Liberian people and the international community, further in government’s commitment to fighting corruption when she failed to reappoint former Auditor General John Morlu. Well, yes, President Dr. George Weah has rejected the findings of a foreign audit firm that former President Sirleaf administration awarded 66 fraudulent agreements and replaced it with African Peer Review Mechanism’s conclusion that 66 agreements “met internationally best practices,” the consultant added... Predictably, the real motive of this action along with previous efforts on the part of Dr. Weah government is to reduce the possibility of prosecuting former President Sirleaf and her lieutenants, if any, stated the consultant. By Siahyonkron Nyanseor It is time for Liberia to ring in 2020 with deep reflection, a sense of profound optimism, and hopes for a better decade after the ritual of ablution and catharsis of the sins of the past decade, e.g., economic and social injustice.   The third decade of the 21st century is here; and, Liberia needs to take stock of the past and begin engineering better governmental institutions, social and economic equality, and renewing aspirations and hopes for greater prosperity, peace, and stability in the new decade.  WE THE PEOPLE of Liberia must make this period the most seminal progressive decade in the history of our Republic by electing competent and patriotic men, and women, fighting corruption, taking back our domestic economy from foreign monopoly and more. Sometimes, being genuinely privileged is a batch one has to ignore if seeking political power as a show of affinity with the ‘people’. The SG has a stamp of scam on his forehead and he carries baggage of blemish on his back. This same approach finds its support within the noble profession of law. Let me venture into a seemingly potentially catastrophic political terrain today: talking about highly sensitive stakes and about desperately determined political blocs in the crucial 2017 election. In 1979, another human suffering, due to the Cambodian genocide under the Pol Pot regime, was put to a halt. I don't have a family in Liberia, but every Liberian is [part of] my family. By Dr. Alon Ben-Meir CDC Pro-Poor Government Hut Tax’s Historical Amnesia Review Of Dr. Ben-Meir's Development Model As Viewed In Tandem With Morocco's Framework Of Reform For One Cent Surcharge (US $0.00065 Plus US $0.008) GSM Companies And Pro-Poor Government Squeezed US $3.00 And US $2.00 From Liberians In line with global custom, good governance and contemporary politics which are hinged to public accountability, transparency, and openness, whenever a new government takes over, it is under obligation to develop and share a realistic short-term vision and/or immediate plan with its citizens, development partners and donors. Is this another LIE? But the state of emergency can also affect certain rights and freedoms of the citizenry and therefore should not be used for silencing or witch-hunting political opponents and critical voices in civil society. CBL is also very different from banks, except for its ancillary legal mandate of the fiscal agency, where it performs banking services for GoL (and for banks).Â. The unspeakable atrocities that are happening in South Sudan are unfathomable, not only because of the scope of savagery in the war between the Dinka and Nuer peoples, but also because it defies every tenet of our civilized being in which we take so much pride. And the silence as a grave, I think, is a sign of their mea culpa due President Weah, the nation, and the people for the irreparable damage done to our national image and credibility. Samuel Tweah, Finance and Economic Planning Minister, who is perhaps Liberia’s most intolerant and arguably among the most corrupt Finance Ministers that ever hold the post, apparently presided over US$25 million Mop-Up exercise conducted by the country’s Technical Economic Management Team (TEMT) of which the General Auditing Commission’s forensic investigation has revealed that US$2,378,187.00 has not been properly accounted for during the US$25 million Mop-Up exercise. These elections are a watershed in the history of our country. President Donald Trump, then U.S. presidential candidate stated that, “America’s economic system is rigged;” U.S. A few days ago, in South Africa--the Rainbow Nation—as their late president famously tagged it—dignitaries and ordinary citizens from around the world are joining hundreds of thousands of South Africans for their highly anticipated Global Citizens Festival, in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of their late President, Mr. Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela. By Joe Bartuah No. By Theodore Hodge At your inaugural program on 22nd January 2018, you somewhat delivered a speech, among other things, you assured the masses of our people that your administration will end corruption. LIBERIA: Fighting Corruption War Without Weapons Or Ammunitions Justice Is On The Way Interestingly, some members of his inner circle are also peddling this false narrative, much to the bewilderment of historians. Who wins and who gains? Consolidating Sustainable Liberian Communities in the Diaspora Readers would recollect that in our editorial endorsement of the UP ticket, we unequivocally stated that “For several years, The Perspective fought against those who launched and perpetuated the senseless Liberian civil war that slaughtered over 250,000 hapless Liberians including women and children. This has given black women politicians greater attention than ever before.  The selection of Kamala Harris has changed the 2020 electoral calculus and dynamics and electrified black women, the bedrock of the Democratic Party voting base. Â. America’s Prisons Are Outrageously Unjust His wife, Mrs. Aba Hamilton Dolo and other family members were by his side as he transitioned... Emmanuel was born and raised in Nimba County. The Invisible Reality of the Liberian Presidency: Why a One-Time Presidential Tenure Will Be a Game Changer in the Body Politics of Liberia? So it had been, and is, the state of affairs of the Republic of Liberia since its founding in 1847, throughout succeeding political administrations up to the day. Here is why: Society’s Response to Corruption in Liberia: “A Lip Service?” DR EMMANUEL DOLO (1962-2018): A TRIBUTE Unlike most news organs, ours had never endorsed a political party or any standard bearer, but we view this watershed moment as a public service in helping voters make informed decisions with the aforementioned collective aspirations in mind. Outgoing presidents Alassane Ouattara of Ivory Coast and Alpha Condé of Guinea enthroned themselves and took an oath to “defend the Constitution.” Both men amended their constitutions to stay in power. President Weah Lied Under Oath The Proliferation of the Prevalence and Potential Health Effects of Tobacco Smoking with Waterpipe (Shisha) Charlottesville v Jason Kessler.  The ACLU supported Unite the Right organizer Jason Kessler in court (because the First Amendment protect all speech) after city officials tried to revoke his protest permit (CNBC). By Dr. Sam Ben-Meir A month later, on March 11, a pandemic was declared to over 118.000 cases of coronavirus illness in over 110 countries and territories worldwide, with more than 4300 deaths attributed to the disease.  To date, the global statistics of the infection is 106 million, with the total recovered placed at 59.3million, while the death toll at current is 2.32million. By:  Joseph Jimmy Sankaituah A corruption-free government could turn Liberia into a modern paradise and an enviable nation of prosperity and equality for all. The Integrity Team That President George Manneh Weah Needs To Defeat Corruption No foreigner should advise the Kosovar public who to vote for in the upcoming election, and I certainly dare not make such a recommendation. These losses remain a threat to Liberia’s economy and sovereignty. Liberia: the Rigged Election that is Talked About Mutedly By Sam Ben-Meir, Ph.D Foreign currencies are being lost as a result of this dependency. to own and, or manage profit-making-lucrative assets. Our nation is trekking on a journey to nowhere. It is over for Dr. Mills Jones and others who are trapped under the weight of the Code of Conduct (COC) law. By John H. T. Stewart Jr. Treat Prince Johnson’s Weah bashing with a Grain of Salt — George Weah Owns the Man Eight score and ten years ago, Liberia was conceptualized, conceived, and birthed as the land of freedom, liberty, and dignity of man. Resistance 10 - George Weah Calls for a roundtable on the economy: an infantile hot air beyond absurdity By Dr. Alon Ben-Meir Count The Liberian Banknotes And Reform Our Economy - PART I Amongst the many recommendations forwarded to our President, Mr. George Manneh Weah, I have yet to see any proposal as to how best Liberia can generate the necessary revenue to finance the needed programs. Swiss based substitute Kallon was found free at the far post after good work by Lamine Conte and Amidu Karim. By J. Yanqui Zaza AND NOW COMES PETITIONER IN THE ABOVE-ENTITLED CAUSE OF ACTION and petitions this Honorable Court for a writ of prohibition against the hereinabove-named respondent for the following legal and factual reasons, to wit:That petitioner is a citizen of Liberia that is historically known for standing up for justice, peace, human rights and upholding the law for more than Forty Years (40) of his life through the work of the Movement of Justice for Africa (MOJA). B. Jallah. The Liberian Studies Association's 49th Annual Conference This gesture of generosity made a deep positive impression on me about this remarkable Liberian. Unlike the fascist, the neo-fascists placed the blame of their countries’. Oct 2004 Mar 2006 Global Witness calls on the Liberian Government to investigate those involved in Exxon’s Visitors to the Frick Collection in New York City will likely be familiar with the magnificent Self Portrait (1658) of Rembrandt that hangs in the main gallery. These several menaces have harnessed and continue to midwife civil conflicts in most parts of Africa. Indeed, how many times during their occasional battles in our mouths haven’t we felt an excruciating pain? Later we learned that GG’s condition was critical, but was still alive. Sit and do nothing when public medical facilities become death traps for ordinary citizens. Winning is not about getting a title because many persons get titles and do not correct their mistakes. 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