icelandic public broadcasting

The group dispersed as soon as police arrived, but broken glass and other evidence remained at the scene, according to the police diary from yesterday. Þar dvelja nú 160 manns, aðallega erlendir... Læknar rússneska stjórnarandstöðuleiðtogans Alexeis Navalnys segja heilsu hans hafa hrakað bæði... Þrátt fyrir að bólusetning við kórónuveirunni hafi gengið hratt í Bandaríkjunum heldur smitum áfram... Þjóðverjar ætla í dag að minnast þeirra nærri áttatíu þúsund sem eru látnir vegna COVID-19 þar í... Veðurstofan spáir suðvestanátt 8-15 m/s í dag, en víða 13-18 m/s norðvestan- og vestanlands... Ungur karlmaður var skotinn til bana í Kista-hverfinu í Stokkhólmi í nótt. Listen to our Icelandic dubbing samples, select Icelandic male or female dubbing actor demos from our voice talent bank and contact us to get a free quote! The RUV is tasked with promoting the Icelandic language and culture. RUV is the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service. A protest took place outside Alþingi yesterday against the planned deportation of applicants for international protection back to Greece. After a seven-year battle, it is now clear Icelandic equality campaigner and former MP Freyja Haraldsdóttir will be allowed to become a foster parent. Ríkisútvarpið (RÚV) (pronounced [ˈriːcɪsˌuːtvar̥pɪð] or [ˈruːv]) (English: 'The Icelandic National Broadcasting Service') is Iceland's national public-service broadcasting organization. Headquartered in Reykjavik, INBS also runs three regional radio programs, while concurrently fulfilling its civic obligation of promoting Iceland’s language, history, and cultural heritage. Besides regulating both public service and commercial media in Iceland, according the Media Act No 38/2011 and the Act on the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service No 23/2013, the Media Commission also monitors to ensure compliance to the Act on children’s access to … When the ministry gave the Authority a clear instruction for extra oversight in September 2018, it received a reply that such extra monitoring was already underway, when in fact it did not begin until two weeks later. Preparedness involves a coordinated and continuous process of planning and The task of providing the services shall be entrusted to the Icelandic National People said Iceland was far too small of a market for plastic recycling and that it all needed to be sent overseas,” says Sigurður Halldórsson, the CEO of Pure North, a Hveragerði company that claims to be one of the most environmentally friendly plastic recycling firms in the world. Despite the passing weeks, there is no sign of it ending soon. Initial data from the USA indicate that one in every million people suffers a blood clot after vaccination—though it is not yet confirmed whether there is any link to the vaccine. Iceland is postponing the start of immunisation with the Janssen COVID-19 vaccine while research continues into whether it might increase the risk of blood clots in some people. People are used to this and ensure they have stock piles," shop owner Harpa Þórey Sigurðardóttir told the Icelandic Public Broadcasting Service. Um þrjátíu ferðamenn fóru í sóttvarnahúsið á FossHótel Reykjavík í Þórunnartúni eftir komuna til landsins í gær og búist er við svipuðum fjölda í dag. Iceland’s COVID-19 prevention restrictions changed at midnight and include the re-opening of swimming pools, gyms, and bars. „Má það virkilega?“ spyr Kristín í pistli sem fluttur var í Víðsjá í dag. EPRA Secretariat 76 Allée de la Robertsau F-67000 Strasbourg France Phone: +33 (0) 3 88 41 39 63 Social links; Rss feed Twitter account LinkedIn page Members of the association of further education teachers and the association of managers in further education have voted to approve the collective bargaining agreement signed at the state mediator’s office on 31st March. Director of Public Prosecution: Ministry of Justice: Ríkissaksóknari : State Mediator : Ministry of Social Affairs: Ríkissáttasemjari : The Icelandic National Broadcasting Service: Ministry of Education, Science and Culture: Ríkisútvarpið ohf. The European Broadcasting Union (EBU) has decided to fine Icelandic public broadcasting (RÚV) €5,000 for Hatari’s displaying of the Palestinian flag during the live broadcast of the Eurovision Song Contest last May, RÚV reports. Icelandic public broadcaster RUV will be fined because the band it entered at the Eurovision Song Contest displayed scarves with Palestinian flags at the contest in Israel. Spanish police have arrested a 59-year-old Icelandic man on suspicion of sexually abusing eight children. Stjórnmál og Stjórnsýsla (2009-12-01) . The level of the tax is fixed; that is, everyone with an income above a certain level pays the same sum, currently ISK 17,500 or about EUR 130 per person and year. The tourism minister says last year’s experiment worked well and that further details of this year’s can be expected in the coming days. Þar hafi sama saga og hún sagði í leikritinu verið útfærð með sömu áherslum. The principal television station in Iceland is RÚV, which is state-owned. The Icelandic National Broadcasting Service (INBS) is an independent public service broadcasting organization responsible for operating two radio channels and one television channel. Plans are afoot to give residents of Iceland another ‘travel gift’ similar to those handed out by the authorities last year. The prosecutor believes the ability to force people who breach quarantine to use quarantine hotels is a bigger deterrent than bigger fines. „Af hverju er ekki talað um kynlíf í kirkjunni, og þarf kannski að tala um kynlíf í kirkjunni?“ spyr séra Benjamín Hrafn Böðvarsson sem stýrir Kirkjucastinu ásamt séra Degi Fannari Magnússyni. Iceland’s Geldingadalir/Meradalir volcanic eruption is closed to visitors today due to bad weather. Lögreglan rannsakar... Tónlistarkonan Bríet kom sá og sigraði á Íslensku tónlistarverðlaununum sem fram fóru í Hörpu í... Eldgos hófst í Geldingadölum í Fagradalsfjalli um klukkan korter í níu föstudagskvöldið 19. mars... Þó nokkrir ferðamenn kjósa að dvelja í sóttvarnahúsi, Ekkert sérstakt ferðaveður við gosstöðvarnar, Smitum fjölgar í Bandaríkjum samhliða tilslökunum, Þjóðverjar minnast látinna í kórónuveirufaraldrinum, Léttir til á austanverðu landinu í dag og hlýjast þar, Bríet sveif um í mögnuðu atriði á tónlistarverðlaununum, „Get ímyndað mér að karlinn hafi snúið sér í gröfinni“, „Lögreglan sturtaðist með liðinu fram í salinn“, Tók u-beygju úr Bændablaðinu í kjólahönnun, Systrabönd „eins og spark í maga“ Kristínar, Þrír ættliðir landsliðskvenna í handbolta, Kipchoge vann Twente maraþonið á frábærum tíma, Nauthólsvík var lokuð baðgestum vegna fljótandi skólps, Salvini fyrir rétt í september, ákærður fyrir mannrán, Segjast hafa afstýrt banatilræði við Lúkasjenkó, Bandaríkin og Kína heita samvinnu í loftslagsmálum, Tékkar reka 18 Rússa úr landi vegna sprenginga 2014, Bríet sigursæl á Íslensku tónlistarverðlaununum, Björtustu vonum íslenskrar tónlistar komið á óvart, „Kynlíf er ein birtingarmynd kærleika guðs“, Húllumhæ - Roal Dahl, Gísli Súrsson, Söguspilið og Heimsmarkmið 10, Ingibjörg efst hjá Framsókn í norðausturkjördæmi, Húsvískur stúlknakór syngur á Óskarsverðlaunahátíðinni, Sheffield United fallið úr ensku úrvalsdeildinni, „Mér finnst þetta alveg ótrúlega leiðinlegt“, „Virðist vera góð auglýsing fyrir Sputnik bóluefnið“, Árný býður upp á rímur og prjónaskap í Rotterdam, Reykjavík lower speed limits plan approved. The airline company Play—touted as a possible successor to WOW air before the pandemic hit—is planning to start scheduled flights at the end of June. Meðal annarra verðlaunahafa eru hljómsveitin Cyber fyrir rappplötu ársins og Daði Freyr fyrir popplag ársins. The new vents at the Geldingadalir/Meradalir volcano lie in an almost straight line between the older ones, which makes for good drone footage but is not a surprise to scientists who have been monitoring the magma dyke below for some time before the eruption began nearly a month ago. Among the radio station’s DJs is Englishman Smutty Smiff, a Purpose. The ministers of the Icelandic Government and their ministries comprise Government Offices. The chain’s old owner, the UK’s Domino’s Pizza Group plc. An International Monetary Fund report into state support during the coronavirus pandemic earlier this week put Iceland in the lowest category alongside the countries that have invested the least public money in supporting homes and businesses. The Icelandic public TV channel Sjonvarpid (RUV) with 55.9% (2017) had by far the highest national audience market share in Europe. An Icelandic drinking horn offers some clues on how the saint's status changed over time. Hljómsveitin Vök sendi í dag frá sér myndband við lagið Lost in the Weekend í leikstjórn Einars Egilssonar. The channel offers a wide variety of programs including news, sports and entertainment. The Televsion service was launched in 1966. “When this project started, we were laughed at. This hilarious comedy sketch show premiered on the Icelandic public broadcast network RUV in 1997. RUV has TV studios in Reykjavik as well as in regional centres in the country. on the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service, a public-service medium _____ CHAPTER I. Even more fissures opened at the Geldingadalir/Meradalir volcano this morning. Eldgosið í Geldingadölum í beinni útsendingu, Erlendur maður var fangi í marga mánuði á veitingastað, „Það eru völd sem ég ætla ekki að gefa þessum geranda“, Hraun tekið að renna úr Geldingadölum í austur, Stilling fyrir þá sem kjósa frekar dökkan bakgrunn, Reykjavík lower speed limits plan approved, A month of erupting: flow and interest remain steady, WOW air monitoring was weak and ministry kept in dark, Iceland complained IMF report was inaccurate, Disability campaigner wins fight to be foster parent, Nearly 200,000 Pfizer doses before end of June, Untraced COVID cases pose problem, though not yesterday, Unemployment falls as long-term unemployment soars, Icelandic suspect in Spanish child abuse investigation, Relaxed COVID rules announced for later this week, More fissures and a wedding at Reykjanes volcano. Mikil og klofin umræða skapaðist í kringum nýjasta þátt hlaðvarpsins þar sem félagarnir ræða við Gerði Arinbjarnardóttur eiganda hjálpartækjaverslunarinnar Blush. 4 Icelandic Tax Facts 2019 1 Introduction - Type of Tax System The Icelandic tax system for corporations is a classical system. Ólöf Gerður Sigfúsdóttir leggur leið sína á hafnarbakkann og heimsækir sýningu Huldu... Um þrjátíu ferðamenn fóru í sóttvarnahúsið á FossHótel Reykjavík í Þórunnartúni eftir... Þrátt fyrir að bólusetning við kórónuveirunni hafi gengið hratt í Bandaríkjunum heldur... „Það lagði af þessu fýluna,“ segir Guðjón Friðriksson sagnfræðingur um frumstæðar... Eldgosið í Geldingadölum í beinni útsendingu, Erlendur maður var fangi í marga mánuði á veitingastað, „Það eru völd sem ég ætla ekki að gefa þessum geranda“, Hraun tekið að renna úr Geldingadölum í austur. The City of Reykjavík is considering lower speed limits to fight particulate pollution. Public service broadcasting channels generally fared well in the category of TV channels with a double figure market share, particularly in the Nordic States where PSB services are traditionally strong performing. Article 1. Stilling fyrir þá sem kjósa frekar dökkan bakgrunn. The Icelandic government asked for data to be re-examined and the IMF has now changed its report. Gugusar, Steiney Sigurðardóttir og Laufey Lin hljóta verðlaunin. Tónlistarfólkið sem bar sigur úr býtum sem björtustu vonirnar á Íslensku tónlistarverðlaununum fékk forskot á sæluna en verðlaunahátíðin fer fram á laugardag. The station only plays Icelandic music while broadcasting all the latest news and happenings in English. The purpose of this Act is to promote democratic discussion, cultural diversity and social cohesion in Icelandic society through the provision of media services based on a public service remit. The show is an important part of Icelandic New Years celebration for most Icelandic families. The show’s writers focused on particular things in society that were easy to pick apart, even creating characters that everyone recognized as national stereotypes. Icelandic dubbing artists, studio lip-sync recording & production services at competitive rates. “It is to be expected. Jón Baldvin Hannibalsson, a former Foreign Minister, social democrat MP and ambassador, and his wife Bryndís Schram have threatened to sue Icelandic public broadcasting service RÚV if they do not retract a lot of their recent reporting on him, Morgunblaðið reports. Drífa Snædal (pictured), head of the Confederation of Icelandic Labour, says progress to bring unemployment down is slow. A group of Icelandic investors has bought the Domino’s á Íslandi pizza franchise. put the Icelandic branches up for sale last year. The deal still requires competition authority approval. On Air Now Playing West Virginia Public Broadcasting On Air Now Playing WVPB (High Quality) On Air Now Playing Mountain Stage Radio Lagið hefur notið mikilla vinsælda að undanförnu og textinn hefur vakið mikla athygli. It has a commitment to promote the Icelandic language and the country’s history, and is partly funded by license fee; the rest of the RÚV’s income comes from advertising. Kristín Eiríksdóttir, höfundur verksins Hystory sem frumsýnt var í Borgarleikhúsinu fyrir sex árum, segir að sér hafi liðið eins og sparkað hafi verið í magann á henni þegar hún sá sjónvarpsþættina Systrabönd. The office of the state prosecutor has rejected a request from the chief epidemiologist and the health minister to increase fines for COVID-19 quarantine breaches. Radio Iceland is a new, all English speaking radio station in Iceland. Information from the Government Offices of Iceland. Another of the three unconnected and unquarantined cases confirmed yesterday was a teacher at Menntaskólinn við Hamrahlíð. The Icelandic Transport Authority gave the Ministry of Transport misleading information on the financial oversight of WOW air. It has been shown annually since Sjonvarpid started broadcasting in 1966. National public radio and TV is provided by the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service (RUV), which is owned by the state. Aramotaskaupid is an annual Icelandic television comedy special that is broadcast on the public television network Sjonvarpid, the national broadcaster. The assembly limit will rise from ten people to twenty, and gyms and swimming pools will partially reopen under new anti-contagion rules set to run for three weeks from this Thursday. According to a recent survey, 50 percent of people in Iceland who have not yet visited the volcano plan to do so soon. City of Reykjavík councillors have voted in favour of fighting against road traffic accidents and poor air quality by reducing speed limits in the city over the coming years in a project that will cost 1.5 billion krónur. The overall unemployment rate dropped slightly again in March and stood at 11 percent. It will benefit residents and visitors alike as they travel around Iceland. These elements are all very much present in the reality of Icelandic journalists. Trust Derived From History - a Study of the Codes of Practice for News of the Icelandic Public Broadcasting Company, RUV Icelandic dubbing services for TV, films, animation, movies, cartoons, commercials, videos, games. Around 6,000 people in Iceland have been registered as unemployed for more than a year, and that number increased by 1,500 during the past month. It is believed the wet and windy conditions could be part of the reason both of RÚV’s live webcams have stopped broadcasting. This was definitely the first series of this kind in Iceland, and its first five seasons (from 1997 to 2000) were met with great enthusiasm, … Aired: 08/29/18 Rating: NR This sort of development is not unusual and should not come as a surprise,” he says. Birgir Bieltvedt is leading the group, made up of Eyja fjárfestingarfélag, Kristinn ehf., Sjávarsýn ehf., and Lýsi ehf. Companies are subject to income tax on their worldwide income and economic double taxation may be eliminated by deduction of dividend income from taxable income. Tax rates for the years 2018 and 2019 Skip to main content ... She recently shared her knowledge of saints and pilgrims on the Norwegian Public Broadcasting Corporation (NRK) TV series Anno, which gave viewers a glimpse into what life was like around the time of the Reformation in the 1500s. That appeal decision was referred to the Supreme Court of Norway by the prosecutor, wanting to reinstate the longer sentence. Icelandic public broadcaster RUV is to be fined for showing images of the band Hatari bearing Palestinian flags at the Eurovision Song Contest, the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) confirmed to dpa on … The tax contributes to two-thirds of RÚV's revenues, while advertising accounts for the rest. Kenýski hlauparinn Eliud Kipchoge, heimsmethafi og Ólympíumeistari í maraþonhlaupi keppti... Lögreglan á Suðurnesjum varar fólk við veðrinu við gosstöðvarnar í dag. It was confirmed this morning that close to 30 students and three teachers at Öldutúnsskóli school in Hafnarfjörður have been sent into quarantine after a confirmed infection in Year 5. Vegagerðin (the road and coastal administration) put the new system into use today. Icelandic journalists have a public service ideology, a professional organisation, a written code of ethics and a mechanism for self-regulation. It is four weeks to the day since the Geldingadalir/Meradalir volcanic eruption began on the evening of Friday 19th March. The company’s director says it will publish its route timetable in the coming days. The OECD team met with representatives of the Icelandic Bar Association, the Council of Auditors, the Icelandic Chamber of Commerce, the Confederation of Icelandic Employers, Association of Certified Public Auditors, the Icelandic Confederation of Labour, the newspaper Morgunblaðið, the National General provisions. There is also no sign of people’s interest dwindling. The Icelandic public service tax, introduced in 2009, is a special tax, included in the annual state budget. You can listen to Radio Iceland online, and, before the summer is here, on the radio all around the country (with some minor shadow areas). The head of the national automobile association believes more options should have been investigated. Gunnar Jóhann Gunnarsson, who was sent to prison for killing his half-brother in the northern Norwegian town of Mehamn in April two years ago, has been released. Police were alerted to a group of teenagers with molotov cocktails outside a Hafnarfjörður school around 22.00 last night. RÚV has issued a statement objecting to the fine, saying there is no way they can bear responsibility for Hatari’s action. Gunnar Jóhann was sentenced to 13 years by the district court but that was lowered to five in appeal. They will go for tests on Monday. Further education teachers have been working without a valid pay and conditions contract since the start of this year. Volcanologist Þorvaldur Þórðarson tells RÚV the news does not come as a surprise. The Protestant Reformation in Norway-Denmark … Hosted by Björg Magnúsdóttir, Fannar Sveinsson and Benedikt Valsson, tonight's Icelandic national final took place at the Laugardalshöll Arena in Reykjavik. More details are below: Information on weather and road conditions in Iceland is now being shared to the EU database used by the major international navigation companies. President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen this morning announced that Pfizer will provide 50 million more COVID-19 vaccine doses in the second quarter of this year than expected. Greg sets out beyond the Icelandic capital of Reykjavik on an unforgettable road trip through Iceland's lesser-known national parks. ‘Public health emergency preparedness’ is defined as the ‘capability of the public health and healthcare systems, communities, and individuals, to prevent, protect against, quickly respond to, and recover from health emergencies, particularly those whose scale, timing, or unpredictability threatens to overwhelm routine capabilities. Tónlistarkonan Bríet hlaut þrenn verðlaun á Íslensku tónlistarverðlaununum sem afhent voru í kvöld. 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