how to book a tour for your band

You just need to learn how to. If they don’t have the date you want, ask for any surrounding dates that are available, and re-route as you get offers. Additionally, try to make the most efficient routing as possible. Find out what are your most active local markets There’s no point in trying to book a show in a city where no one’s... 2. Set up a merch table - and have a trustworthy friend or fan man the booth to … If you can’t find much info from other bands routes get to work on Google. It is very helpful if you are just starting to book tours with your band independently. I started my career planning educational workshops with some of North America's top artist managers, then moved on to manage commercial radio and internationally touring artists. If you’re looking to book a tour outside your market, or especially in another country, a good idea is to route a mini tour around an important showcase or festival that you’ve been booked to play. The more fans you have coming out to the show, the better chances you have of negotiating a better deal next time. Not only will this give you wiggle room logistically for any issues, but it will give you time to catch venue booking calendars well in advance. The more shows you book the more likely you are to break-even or come out with some positive cash flow, but you’ve also got to include breaks for both vocals and driving time. Before booking any dates, consider looking into gig swaps with other bands you’ve befriended on social media in their home regions. Try to suck it up, while still staying healthy and well rested. Do your due diligence in researching the venues before you reach out as well. … Package: Note what the package (performance) includes, such as the length of the set(s), the type of music, any noteworthy or descriptive instruments, what kind of vibe it is, the artist names, if there’s a supporting act already included, etc. Look where bands that get paid play and write it down. Sometimes, the promoters own the venues, sometimes they rent them. Spend less on hotels and food. How To Book Your Tour Step 1: Search for Venues and Promoters. Get to know these people – talk to them on the phone, visit their venues and meet them in person, add them on LinkedIn, etc. Registered in England & WalesBy using this web site, you agree to our use of cookies, our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. But it can also be proven by checking your online statistics. Always remember this is a relationship business. HOW TO BOOK A TOUR: STEP FIFTEEN. When collecting all the details you’ll need about your show from the venue, we call this “advancing the show.” You’ll need to advance the show, in advance of the show, get it? Look through their social media, dig through their website, and try to get a true sense of what their ‘thing’ is. It’s a given, but it’s a big one. take pleasure in writing but it just seems like the first 10 to 15 minutes are lost just trying to figure out how to begin. Again, don’t try to reinvent the wheel. Make some posters or have a friend make them, make Facebook events and posts, consider Facebook Ads targeted at your tour cities, do Instagram posts, send emails to your email list (you should absolutely have one), have your tour dates listed on your Spotify account and on Bandsintown (connect your Bandsintown account to your Facebook accout), contact the local newspapers and radio stations to offer guest list, interviews, before and after reviews of your show, and free giveaways, and take notes on how other successful bands promote themselves and their tours on social media. Route your shows so that you don’t have to drive more than 8 hours at a time, preferably 4 hours (with a 2-hour grace period) if its the same day as a show. It’s important to remember people’s names in order to build a relationship with them. is the leading entertainment directory in the UK. Here at The Bash, we’ve helped book entertainment for over 450,000 events—the majority of whom were ordinary people looking to hire bands, entertainers or vendors for their party. Many bands don’t have a booking agent, so booking a tour can seem like a daunting task. Any recommendations or hints? Daily itinerary – keep it visible (print it out and ensure it’s digitally accessible). How To Book A Tour For Your Band In 7 Steps | In this video you’re going to learn the seven main steps needed to book a tour for your band. Keep your expenses fixed and try to spend less than projected. Come 2017, we created a super in-depth course and started a “school” called Smartist University to house this new course. How to Book a Concert Tour by Yourself . If you haven't heard back from interested bookers in a while call them too. Route Your Tour so Your Tour Doesn't Route You Back. How to book a tour for your band 1. Take advantage of that. Forget about headlining your own tour to start with – If your band is new, the... Produce some merchandise. But, Bandzoogle are here to help. Keep track, write it down, and use it for information to help book your shows in those cities. You’ll also need plenty of time to market, promote, and contact local press. 2. Either a month or two from departure date, start Facebook messaging and calling the contacts on your list. What acts have you managed? Book 3-4 months out minimum. I book all my Indie Tours using an iPhone App called Independent Musicians Touring Guide. I prefer Bands in Town because they have a mobile app, they link to your Facebook page, and their widget can be easily added to your website. If they don’t have an agent, book them through the email or phone number provided on the website. If you don’t have their names right off the bat, be sure to add them into the document when they respond to your email. Some venues book at least 6 months out in advance, some only one month at a time. Thanks for sharing! Very rapidly this website will be famous amid all blogging and site-building Determine what type How to organise a band tour
Planning your tour before you leave. Decide on the target region With an idea of your strongest local markets drawn from music data, you can clearly... 3. Go back to your similar-sounding artists venue list and routing lists and if their routing makes sense then simply try to copy it. You’ll look partially (or fully) stupid if you don’t. So many bands book a large venue based on ego and not data. Create an excel sheet, unless you have a proper database system, and fill it with names, venues/promoters names, locations, emails, links to the contact forms from the website if no emails are given, and a list of ideal dates that you’d like to be in each location. How to plan and book a tour for your band Start small by getting support gigs. I’ve had a tough time clearing If you promote the show, draw a crowd, perform well, and were easy to work with, then all it takes to book a second gig is a simple follow-up email. Bandsintown is a great place to start. Map out your tour. Even vinyl. This way, existing fans get to see you perform live after they’ve already listened to your new music, and new fans get to discover you from attending shows in their hometowns with their friends. I’ve done it. Schedule a time to call back. **WARNING: Since you’ll be sending essentially the same email to all venues/promoters, you’ll be doing a lot of copy and pasting and forwarding, so MAKE SURE you change the email subject, and the names of venues and dates within the email. Get in touch with a prospective band's management. Analytics baby! You can easily find people in your community that will set up one ortwo2 mics, a camera, and make a … Tell them about your event or venue, the date you'd like to book the band, and find out about their guarantee and other associated fees. Your band needs to collectively decide how long you can be on the road, and how far you want to go. Artists Info: Then link to artists information – website link, youtube and/or soundcloud, facebook, bio, reviews. Discover how to book a tour with the help of LiveTrigger . As a good manager (if you’re the manager reading this), than you’ll want to help your artist keep their expenses down. As a beginner or newer artist, you can either expect to be paid nothing other than some food a drink tickets, or you can expect to be paid a guaranteed fee anywhere from $250 – $1500 per night depending on your market standards. Ask the band member who confirmed the show to put their name in parentheses next to it in case any questions arise or if anything changes. Again this is dependent on the availability of the venues, but if you can plan a straight route, it’ll save you time and money on gas and accommodations. Step 4: Do a follow-up on the venues. Make sure that you’re planning this several months in advance to eliminate some of the stress and pressure. Date and Location: In the body of the email note that your band will be on tour for certain selected dates, going from certain location to location, and that you’d like them at [venue] on [date] and if it’s not available to suggest other dates. 4. Even a bare-bones tour where everyone sleeps in the van and lives on pretzels might cost more than you’re anticipating. Google Maps is your best friend when routing a tour. To rise above the paradox and get your band in front of a crowd takes careful planning. "Oct 23 - Pink Shoes and Tom Johnson." This is important because some promoters usually change their minds of the location may be due to changes in the routes. How to plan and book a tour for your band, Musicians wanted for Cruise Ships & gigs in Dubai, Guest blog: Reload Sessions on how to book more work as a musician, Alcohol and singing: what to drink and what to avoid, Contracts for live gigs (musicians and bands). The main information you need to find out is if they offer accommodations or have discount codes to hotels, when load-in and sound-check is, your set times, parking information, if they offer complimentary food and drink or give you extra cash instead (called a buyout), how many people you can have on guest list, if they can pay you cash at the end of the night, and who the production manager or contact person for your show is. If this is all summarized on the managers website, then simply link to the bands page on the management companies website. Landing a single show is an important start on which you can build to book your band an entire tour. That way you’ll both take advantage of hometown followings and can start to build your profiles in new areas. If the band is big enough that they don't have a booking contact number on their website, try Googling "[Band Name] - Agent." The app should also be one that alerts your fans when you come to town. Sometimes artists are very hands on, and sometimes they aren’t. First of all I would like to say awesome blog! Count the house – depending on your history with the venue or promoter, you may want to take tally’s and/or count how many people come in the door (if you’re getting a cut of the sales). Yes, CD’s still sell! This is because the more you earn, the more you payout to your managers and agents (if their agreements are based on GROSS revenue or gross ticket sales). If you’re not dealing with a promoter, you’ll be looking to deal with the venue bookers/buyers or venue owners. Here are some key things to keep in mind to help you book a tour without a booking agent. All of this also depends on the relationships between the three parties. You can open for them in their town and vice versa. That’s a lot of great information – thank you for sharing it. will definitely help. Some venues book at least 6 months out in advance, some only one month at a time. Nonetheless, you’ll still want to draft a routing before contacting the venues and promoters. I've since written a book about it, taught thousands how to do the same through my course, and founded smartistU, the world’s largest platform for music management and industry professionals. Promote them, it will give your fans a reason to get off the couch and get to the show. Any ring a bell?? Check out this article to find out exactly what promoters look for in your EPK. With my old band Zelazowa, we played over 600 shows in 3 years all over the US . I’m sure you’re aware of other artists that can relate to your sound, yes? Doing this requires knowing how to promote your band and how to do business with potential venues. Given the scale, it’s probably no surprise that taking a band out on tour can be expensive. Try not to drive back and forth. You can’t screw up faces. Firstly, don’t try to re-invent the wheel. Make it special for the audience and give them the best value for their dollar (even when there’s 2 people in the audience). This one depends on your genre, where your fans are, and what cultures and markets tend to pick up your vibes. Practice! ;|. These days, it’s relatively easy to make live recordings. Welcome to show biz, baby! 100 people in a room meant for 400 is empty. We also did two tours of Europe, all independently. Booking a tour requires months of contacting, follow-up work, and filling in gaps. That’s why we’ve listed some helpful tips that we’ve learned ourselves about tour booking! Touring as an independent musician requires out of the box thinking, especially when you book your band. If you want to come out on top, it’s more efficient to cut expenses instead of trying earn more. Send the band/venue/promoters in each city a message asking them to check out your band and let them know that you are interested in playing a show with them/at their venue on such and such day. I’ve been away from touring for quite a while – and things have changed a fair amount since the 80’s. As previously stated, you won’t be getting paid very much from these initial shows. You too can easily book a great band for your next special event. In fact in 2018, reports show that vinyl sales have been on an incline for the past few years. I used to do pr for international acts. This goes back to a good tour routing – mentioned above. Thanks Jesse that’s awesome to hear. Promote the app you decide to use so your friends can follow your tour. For first timers, a 2-3 week regional tour is a good goal. Who did you do PR for? Most won't answer or be available. B) You’ve built up a following throughout your home Province/State, and now you’re ready to perform in surrounding Provinces/States. So, as a rule of thumb, try to book about 5 shows a week. Interview With Danny Reiner, Management Team of Tyler Shaw, Alessia Cara, Francesco Yates, Interview with Endless Summer, Tebey Manager: Jill Snell, Interview With Jess Moskaluke’s Manager: Mike Denney of MDM Recordings, Interview With Pascal Malkoun, Management Team of Karl Wolf, Lennon Stella’s Manager, Genevieve Thompson: Exclusive SmartistU Interview, How To Start An Artist Management Company, How to Draft an Artist Management Contract, Ultimate Album Release Plan For Independent Musicians, 12 Ways To Discover and Sign Artists to Management (True Stories). I truly do And when you don’t have a manager, the artist books the tour themselves. Your story-telling style is witty, keep doing what you’re doing! If you work hard to get a good audience, this pretty much guarantees a return booking for a potentially better deal. How to promote your band – 60 quick top tips. As an independent manager I managed Jocelyn Alice, Tareya (formerly in Autumn Hill), The Wet Secrets, Gay Nineties, and Sidney York (now Nice Horse). A. 1. [How to Get a Booking Agent to Book Your Band] Don't Be Overwhelmed. Call back until you get ahold of them. ... Keep in mind bringing out of town bands is actually a great way for your band to stay fresh in your fans eyes. If it’s a ‘new music night’ or a ‘no cover night’ at the venue, sometimes they offer you gas money, or a split of the door sales with all the bands on the bill. Once you’re aware that you have fans in surrounding markets, than it might be time to book yourself a tour! Set out the dates you’d like to be on tour, and how many days a week you can perform without burning out. Generally, artists go on tour to help support and market a recent album release or sometimes even a single that might be getting massive traction on the radio or streaming platforms. Make some money along the way at your tour stops to keep your van full of gas and your bellies full of food - while spreading your band's brand image and getting your music to more ears. Once you’re well aware of your performance guarantees and have negotiated each show, draft your budget. I used to tour for years and can say that this is all helpful information, now I consult and write music on the side. Here is a short checklist of things to remember each and every night: In This Interview: How the very first artist he got to work with was a global superstar How he helped develop a 14 year-old, Francesco…, In this interview: How Jill started her first record label How she gains and pursues (or doesn’t pursue) clients The major differences between working with…, In this interview: How Denney started his record label, found talent, and put them “on the map” How he met and signed Jess Moskaluke His…, In This Interview: Their early strategy of selling albums off stage during meet and greets Always making sure you put your best product out there,…, In this edition of Smartist Magazine: Smarts Behind The Artist, we hear from Genevieve Jewell Thompson, current manager of Lennon Stella and Maisy Stella, from…. Check your Facebook stats, Spotify stats, Instagram stats (if you have a business profile – which you probably should if you don’t), email list stats (eg. and are officially merged into one platform. If you’ve already built up a following in a certain market, than it might be time to expand beyond that market. Venue bookers aren’t even going to look at your email if it’s a month away. Audience Proof: Prove you have an audience in that market: if you’ve already got a good following in [city], note that in the email – giving numbers such analytics proof, email list proof, etc. Tour Manager: if you don’t have a tour manager, your regular manager should be the one managing the tour from the office. When you find a band you'd like to book, reach out online or by calling them on the phone. Email lists: Keep region specific email lists so that you can target your emails when touring in a certain location the next time around. One of the biggest challenges musicians face is booking tours. When you have a booking agent, they book the tour with the guidance and approval of the manager and artist. Each of these platforms has information showing you in which cities your audiences are based. If you're trying to book a one month tour, break it off into pieces and do little sections at a time. If you have an agent, it’s their responsibility to collect a 50% deposit in advance of the show from the promoter/venue to secure your performance – if you don’t have an agent – try to get this deposit into the offer. Some venues have standard advancing documents that include all of the information you need, some will happily give it to you over the phone, some wonder why you’re even asking (usually these ones are little guys who own coffee shops or aren’t very organized). We won’t go into detail in this article, but in short, do your own publicity the first time around. Subject: [Band Name] in [City Name] on [Suggested Date]. Analytics baby! What’s up, I log on to your blog on a regular basis. You don't need to include your finely crafted band bio written by your drummer's girlfriend. Buyers can’t afford to make mistakes and lose money on your show, so if you’re brand new to the market don’t expect to make any money. 2. Finding the right venues: The most effective way is very simple. prior to writing. Well, all your emails should be short, but especially the initial one. Here’s what you need to know to book a tour successfully: 1. It’s often important to play your local markets first, and then make your way around your country – but for some artists it ends up working out better for them to tour another country, gain a reputation there, and then back home. Less back-tracking. Check the routing for your sound-alike artists on their Bandsintown accounts. When creating your budget consider alternative sources of income such as funding from your record label (if you have one), government funding (especially if you’re in Canada), crowd funding campaigns, and sales from merchandise and CD’s sold at shows. Check Google Maps for how long it’ll take to get from place to place and plan for that accordingly. Whereas, larger and major venues have in-house merchandise staff, and can take cuts of your profits. For more advice on staying well on the road, check out this blog on, For more advice on what to take for gigs, check out this blog on, For more tips on using social media as a musician, check out these blogs on. It’s up to you how you develop the working relationships with your team. You don’t need a tour manager or driver when you’re starting out, so don’t bother hiring them this time around until you’re making much more money and there are a lot more moving parts. I had a quick question which I’d Step 2: Find Out Where Your Fans Are. Learning how to book a tour properly is hard. Make sure you check the venue's calendar FIRST and make sure that date is open. There are six steps you should keep in mind. Firstly, don’t try to re-invent the wheel. MailChimp), and Google analytics for WHERE your current fans are located and try to get shows in those areas. 100 people in a room meant for 90 is a sellout.” 3. Choose Your Tour Route. Join Dave & Allison from Bandzoogle for this free webinar focused on helping you book a tour for your band! Choose Your Tour Route. The subject line should be the date with all bands you have on the bill. It is a niche app that has pre-set maps, lists of thousands of mid-sized club level venues throughout the US, and email templates for all types of booking requests. Promoters and Venues 101: Promoters are the people who hire your band for a show, and then promote it to their contacts/audiences in that area. Also, if your band sucks at dressing themselves, just focus on your faces. The routing (which cities and in which order) will ultimately depend on the availability of the venues, so the sooner in advance you book the better chances you have of getting what you want. I usually start thinking about a tour 6 months in advance and start contacting places 3 months ahead of the tour. Use international/national email lists for non-location specific emails that include information such as a new video release. Booking a tour requires months of contacting, follow-up work, and filling in gaps. Use Bands in Town to list your tour dates online. ‘Potential’ means if the tickets exceed the guarantee amount, you have the chance to earn over and above the guarantee. Maybe next time you’ll get your name on the marquee! When you get an offer from the promoter or venue, review it for accuracy and fairness. The more personalized you can make your e-mail, the better chance you’ll have at the venue or promoter taking you on. Some Live Footage Of Your Band. Thank you Neil! Instead of driving or flying all the way to the festival just to perform that one show, you want to make it financially worthwhile, so book shows around it. Their special guest for this webinar is Kyle Weber from Indie on the Move. Settle the box office – collect money after the show. How to compile a good venue list. You can absolutely book shows on your own. And for management companies I worked with The Trews, The Lazys, and Tim Chaisson at Bumstead Productions – as well as with the whole roster at RGK Entertainment Group for a little bit of digital marketing stuff including Dean Brody, Tim Hicks, Madeline Merlo, The Road Hammers, etc. In 2013 we created the Smart Band Management blog for the purpose of sharing free artist management information. The first step to booking the actual tour is to figure out the routing. E.g. Here are 5 easy steps to book a band for your next event. We have a tour budget template and all the touring documents and spreadsheets you need included in our Artist Management Toolkit. Noteworthy: Then include a ‘noteworthy’ section – including any recent awards, contests, special funding or other notable comments about the artists. Wondering how to set up a tour? Booking a long tour takes months of emailing and waiting, and emailing and … You should be able to figure it out. If you don’t have a manager, a band mate should be in charge of making sure everything runs smoothly while out on the road. When you don’t have an agent, the manager books the tour with the guidance and approval of the artist. Some venues offer a ‘potential’ cut of the ticket sales if there’s an entrance fee. Contact venues. It gives you time to actually promote the show. Your initial email pitch should be short and to the point. Typically a venue will take a cut of the door revenue, but won't often ask for any percentage of the merchandise you sell. A) You’ve already built up a following in your town/city, and now you’re ready to perform in surrounding cities. You can also ask for tech info if you need. You’ll also need plenty of time to market, promote, and contact local press. When you book a show, add in essential details such as venue address, show time, contact name and info (email/phone), the name of your “day of show” contact, load-in time, financial compensation info, the name of the other bands and so on. Check out where they’ve toured/performed recently to get an idea of which venues would work for your sound. Again, check out our Artist Management Toolkit, which includes all the documents and spreadsheets you need to book and manage a tour. Gigs on weekends are always going to be busier that during the week, so try and land as many weekend supports as you can! When you get ahold of them they will probably ask you to send information. 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