feast festival 2021

Think of this day as the prophetic day when Yeshua will judge the nations and separate those who’ve accepted his blood as their atonement from those who have not (Matt. I was told that’s just the way it is. Ask YHVH to share his deeper truths with you directly vs. seeking it from a specific denomination. How accurate is the calendar to follow the holy days of God? Follow as little children, in trust and faith, with the innocence of a child. Agreed, Dawn. Rom. The beginning of a new day on the Hebrew calendar starts at sundown, so the Sabbath by our modern calendar begins Friday evening My Jewish friend told me that on Friday evening the family goes to the synagogue to study the Torah and worship together. To most it is nothing but a license to sin, a way to get around to obedience to the written word. hi iam also impressed to hear that testimony may Yahweh build you up in Him iam amessianic believer residing in kenya and looking upon Yahshuas imminent return YAHWEH bless, I am just beginning to learn the feast days of the Hebrew calendar .. Shalom…..!! Thank you for sharing with the Body of Believers. You will have to decide for yourself which one you are going to follow and your reasons for choosing that one. True. God expects us to OBSERVE…without instrumentation, without calculations. In line with what it says in the Bible, I will follow THE CREATION CALENDAR that begins in Aviv, and recognizes that the year 5776 ended on Aviv 2018. Here is a link to what the Bible instructs regarding what to do on the 7 feast days: https://messianicshabbat.files.wordpress.com/2017/01/2017-appointed-times-at-a-glance.pdf. there are 4 hemispheres . This is symbolic of Jesus being the first acceptable offering to God and the first to rise from the dead, indicating that the rest of Jesus’ followers would also be acceptable to God and rise from the dead, as stated in 1 Cor. Since Shavuot must be on a Sunday 50 days from First Fruits (Lev. In the beginning the earth was in darkness and G-d said let their be light and it was so. But if he chooses to go his own way, and not, then you are to run him out of your midst. Say in your prayer, “Father, I thank You for my sickness because You know about it and You can heal me completely now. Jesus is the name above all names. Even family members thought I was being brainwashed, but after reading the lost books of the Bible and much prayer. Thank you so much for your work and sharing the information. Monte Judah of Lion & Lamb Ministries has done a very helpful Q & A video on the issue. I am a Christian but am trying to incorporate Biblical practice which are of course Jewish…I have read “JESUS and the Jewish Festivals”, book by Gary M. Burge to educate me…I both know and believe by participating in these Jewish Feast and Festivals along with following the Messianic Hebrew calendar will enhance me spiritually. They themselves deny the Messiah and hate his name, they will persecute anyone who believes in him. Will it be sufficent if I pray and read the Bible on the feast days . Can you tell me what name of assembly do I look for.I can Google it but do I look under Christian Church or what name do I search for.Thank you for any help you can give us we need help so I found your name and could use your help. Thanks! I’d like to hand one out during my Bible study when we discuss Leviticus next month. For a simple Passover meal, I recommend this booklet, which will walk you through each item that is part of a messianic seder. I pray blessings and prosperity, and people to Learn the truth of celebrating the feast days that God has provided for us. John was just one of those pleasing Flowers and YHWH blessed him with a clearer vision of His plans for the end times. Every covenant demonstrates his grace, in that he – despite his absolute holiness – pursues a relationship with mankind. Amen I’m also Hispanic and We are.. It doesn’t matter what you know or don’t know. And called the light day and darkness night, And there came to be “EVENING and there came to be MORNING. But look for it yourself as well, test everything. It is Good Wednesday and not Good Friday in the year 30 CE which is what YESHUA spoke about. It does not pan out. I have just discovered that the 7 th day sabbath is determined from the moon cycle and not from the continuosly cycling papal/ pagan / Gregorian week which fixes the Sabbath on Saturday. The reaping of the barley which Strong’s concordance defines: barley H8184 plant, grain , comes from H8175. I pray for all that love our lord and savior! Yeshua means nothing and Jesus has been derived from the Greek god isous, their god of healing….. The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all! Also,. Will definitely purchase your recommended sources to further my insight & put into practice. Jesus (Yesuah, the Messiah) is the Bridegroom, our Bridegroom and we, the church, are His Bride. We hope to receive a range of proposals : FEAST will be responsible for scheduling and promoting the Festival . We don’t know when Passover will be because barley isn’t ripe. Do you do observer the night to be remembered? Click to access JesusDiedHebrewCalendar.pdf. you need not by force of any kind be holding a traditional jewish seder if you are not familiar with it We will keep the Feast of Tabernacles during His millennium reign on earth because that’s what that feast represents. If that causes Trumpets to fall on Sunday, Wednesday, or Friday, Trumpets is postponed an additional day (2 days total).” Yet even these rules were not applied to this most recent Trumpets because their calculations were already decided and showed that the New Moon Day would be on September 21, 2017, even though (as far as been reported) no witnesses saw the first light of the moon until early evening on September 22. I hope this helps. Here is a few scriptures for you. In the New Testament scriptures Jesus never called him any name but FATHER and we are instructed to call no man Father as well.When the apostles asked Jesus how should we pray Jesus then gave them what we call the Lords prayer”Our FATHER which are in heaven hallowed be thy name…” The scriptures say that our FATHER will have a new name and he will write it upon us.Scriptures write that we have been calling him pagan names he says one day you will call me ishi husband.I am not sure aboult that name Yahweh but Jesus said my father and your FATHER..I call him FATHER. This past spring there were conflicting reports about aviv..was it earlier or later. Does it not matter, as long as the day is called Saturday. No! He will be with us, he will provide the place of worship forever. Besides which, Yehusha commanded them to wait during that time of “counting the Omer.”, Thank youuuuuuu!!!!!!!! 25 And unto Eber were born two sons: the name of one was Peleg; for in his days was the earth divided; and his brother’s name was Joktan. D. McKenzie. It was such a controversy that women made it a part of the marriage contract that they could observe according to conscience. ” He will guide you, listen to the Lord, not the world. I am looking to celebrate His appointed Feasts here. Yes , it’s the feast of Elohiym and we are commanded to celebrate it. Yeshua in Matt. For the first couple of years, I used my Sabbath time to study each Feast Day and what it was about. My contribution is, we should not forget that darkness was there before light, when Almighty father created the earth, it was full of darkness and sea and the spirit of Almighty father was hovering upon the sea. My thanks also goes to the administrator, May Hashem barruk you for this goodnews and strengthen you in Yahoshua’s name.. Amen. Don’t depend only on another person’s teachings or opinions for your truth, but find out whether it consistently lines up with the themes of scripture and what the Spirit is revealing to you through God’s written word. I’m also not tech savy. I’m not sure the offerings have to be meals or that we have to sleep in the tabernacle. He is coming back very soon. Blessings to you in Jesus name and Glory to YHVH forever. But in our fellowship we use Yahrusalem calendar. All the wonderful things you love and long for will be fully realized in Yeshua’s presence. He will honor your desire to draw near to him through his commands. Hello Robert, It is helpful to keep a Messianic Hebrew calendar on hand. That is a tough one, Nicole. May he bless you as you pursue his ways. The article is self-explanatory! The name Jesus really has no meaning beyond being a proper name in some cultures. ‭‭Yoḥanan Aleph (1 John)‬ ‭5:3-4‬ ‭TS2009‬‬, ““This is the covenant that I shall make with them after those days, says יהוה, giving My laws into their hearts, and in their minds I shall write them,” and, “Their sins and their lawlessnesses I shall remember no more.”” Been wondering about it for a while now. Those chapters (Romans 14 and Colossians 2) make an interesting and enlightening read. Thanks. Let me know if you have additional questions or comments. How do you read it? However, the Bible tells us to “OBSERVE” the New Moon. And yes, the SDA celebrated that as the Sabbath. Thank you for the clarification. May He bless your time in His presence. I’d be interested in seeing the round one you’re referring to if you can provide the website. It’s only right and proper that we should want to learn His root worship traditions, and the Jewish ways. 2016 began on a Friday which was January 1st, January 2nd was Saturday. Shalom, This is awsome BC I want to know that I am following the laws and commandments of The most high corrections…, I just heard for the first time that there is a Feast of Return following the Feast of Trumpets. Part of Speech: Verb Perservere patiently. So I worship him every day. The new moon on the 21st couldn’t be seen with the naked eye, however if we saw it on the the 22, then I can declare the day of TRUMPETS – Yom Teurah! I feel Blessed, my Birthday is Sept 30, 2019 Rosh Hashanah, I,ll be 89. The first Christians were Jews. There are many who are seeking and not satisfied except by YHVH’s truths. Feast of Unleavened Bread always have to follow after Passover. 9 There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God. Christi, What you said about “staying in his rhythm” resonated with me. Lydia April 5th 2015. my dear your calculation is right its wednesday to saturday,and SABBATH remain a true day to worship God and rest. Online Feast of the Hunters’ Moon tickets available beginning August 1st, 2021. I think we should no make a religion out of days and weeks or moons ect.. Jesus became our Passover! It calls it a total Day of Rest. In 2017. My birthday usually falls during the Feast of Unleavened Bread – thank YHVH for flourless chocolate cake! A seven-day festival during which leavening (such as yeast, which causes bread to rise when baking) is put out of dwellings and is not eaten. I recommend a Messianic Haggadah like this one: Saturday didn’t exist when jesus was alive. God is amazing!! When you enter Yerushalem the gates have the names of the sons of Yakob and the foundation the names of the disciples of YAHSHUA. is still linear (this one). Do you think it may be ripe enough for Passover to be in march or not looking like it will be ripe enough yet and will be bumped to next month (april)? God will honor your desire to obey him and draw near to him on his special days, and He will reveal more of himself to you. I know of 3 ways that could all be right. Happy Birthday, Carmen! Education before the Feasts on the importance/relevance for commemorating them would be required if your congregation has not done this in the past. Here are two very informative pieces on the subject: Not to eat strangled animals. And were really meant as rhetorical. Try (New 2 Torah ) Zachary he explains all of this very well. As a new ministry we need your support, Shalom Mark Sorry for taking a while to reply to your comment on my comment about the sabbath or feasts not taking place throughout the whole world at the same time. And Almighty father separated the light from the darkness. Have fun and joy in your journey with Jesus! This year that is December 12-20 on the Gregorian calendar. Thank you for sharing and encouraging. The Feast of Firstfruits is always Day 1 of the 50-day count, so Pentecost is actually 49 days after Firstfruits. The Lord actually WANTS us to. Do Messianic Jews bring special monetary offerings to The Lord for all 3 fall feasts? This helps me for today. I thank the Lord for bakers like you, also glorifying God with your talents! Yes, every person should have a day of rest. Yah ( G-d ) dispersed the northern kingdom to the nations of the whole earth. I pray for Judy’s peace. I have been keeping the Feasts for several years now and I have a couple of friends who came along to say that I shouldn’t be going by the barley in Jerusalem, along with the new moon, but that I should be going by The Barley growing in my region which is Northern California. He gave the Sun to rule the day and the moon to rule the night. Some people were vegetarians and did not eat any meat. How is your Omer Count going? While I, too, am amazed at how far the church has veered from its roots, many have also been brought to Jesus – and eventually to a Messianic understanding – through the church. Is the Jewish tradition correct? THE BIG FEAST PRESENTED BY NEW SEASONS MARKET. I praise Jesus Christ completely and forever and ever completely. Remember too when he said he would tear down the temple and rebuild in 3days. As the lightening strikes from the east to the west so shall the coming of the L-rd shall be. I said it was for Unity’s sake. EX 23:16 And the feast of harvest, the first fruits of thy labors, which thou hast sown in the field: and the feast of in gathering, which is in the end of the year, when thou hast gathered in thy labors out of the field. I came the next day and logged into Google and found your link. The biggest thing to remember is that Jesus said that the sheep entered into God’s rest because of the sacrificial love they showed in giving people water, food, clothing and their time. Thank you for your help with all this. They were given to all believers before Jews existed. I confess that I am not a Jewish but strongly believe that the Lord would bless me if I celebrate his appointed time. It looks like you have a far-reaching ministry. The Lord based HIS feasts around the Jewish times. Looking forward to hearing from you. It is beautifully designed and overlays the Hebrew and Gregorian calendars. Remember he told them to go into the city and wait for the Holy Spirit. However I am a believer of the Messiah filled with his holy spirit and therefore I am strictly a follower of the Messiah lead only by his spirit. I have not read this entirely, but you may want to look at it to learn about the whole subject better. It was insightful your statement about our Savior being the First Fruit from the dead. 11 Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief. Blessings. Thanks for your passion in using his Hebrew name! Its been confusing ths year couldnt find help to observe th correct date seem like “lost sheep” trying to fit in with Jewish date for Pesach & First Fruits! I do try to keep the Feast days but I don’t know what is right because everyone gives different dates. In Druidism you have days and sabbaths that you keep as part of that pagan religion. The calendar our congregation uses is a Gregorian calendar overlaid by the Jewish Diaspora calendar and modified to incorporate God’s appointed times as given by Moses and synchronized to start each Hebrew month on the new moon as it would be seen from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Again and whoever (really) loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I (too) will love him and will show (reveal manifest) Myself to him ( I will let Myself be clearly seen by him and make Myself real to him.) 1. EX 23:14 Three times thou shalt keep a feast unto me in the year. Diana Molloy. From Prophetess Dezsi. The fall feasts speak of the Lord’s return. and how does the outpouring we witness in Acts on Pentecost relate to this year’s Pentecost? I am so very happy to find your website as I was looking up to confirm the 2017 dates of Feasts of The Lord. I had heard a bit before but not has detailed sharing has this program. I’ll have 2016 dates posted soon. On the calendar we observe, 10/10 was the 8th Day. A three day difference according to scripture. Jerry, You are right, there are various ways these dates are calculated. Enjoy! We will still be sending you our Christmas greetings but hopefully we will see you all for Feast Day in 2021! 2:28-29 tells us, “A person is not a Jew who is one only outwardly, nor is circumcision merely outward and physical. We cannot pick and choose which laws we want to keep. confusion is not of G-d, but confusion come from man . I love this site..am Gideon from Nigeria We only have to copy the pattern/behaviour if the Bible specifically commands us to. Shalom, Yes, keep the commandments. count an evening ( night ) and a morning ( day ) an evening ( dark, and a morning ( day ) = 4 evenings and 4 days . Shalom with the love of the Lord. That might be an easy way for your group to learn about them together without going to a lot of extra work. You know the truth as it stands, it is simple yet wise. Amen Amen Amen! Not only is it commanded repeatedly in the Old Testament, it is a celebration of our own deliverance from the oppression and slavery of the enemy into Yehovah’s ways of abundant life and an anticipation of our eternal promised land to come. http://livestream.com/LionLambMinistries/events/4518318/videos/104875531 Colossians 2:16 – Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: Here are some Proof Scriptures. Depending on which day Passover falls on, Pentecost could be 50 days after Passover, as it was this year: Passover was on a Saturday, Firstfruits was the next day, so Pentecost came 49 days after Firstfruits and 50 days after Passover. Father God in Jesus Christ’s Holy Name, I plead the Blood of Christ Jesus over George and his children and his children’s children, and I ask that You place him in Your heavenly courtroom for Your Glory and Name’s Sake of Salvation Amen and Amen! Are these dates in accordence to the postponements of Hillel II? Karen, this organization sells prayer shawls, and is a reputable non-profit educating Messianic Jewish Leaders in third world countries: http://www.covenantdesigns.net/product/tallit/ I recommend their products and materials. The 7th day is the Sabbath, not Saturday, named in honour of Saturn nor Sunday, named in honour of the Sun. Simple. My name is Charity Njeri Githui from Kenya. According to the Bible only the first day of the week of the Tabernacle and the Eighth Day is a Sabbath day, on which we do not work, but we are meant to sleep in our made up tabernacle throughout the whole week and bring meal offerings. Thank for listening! Is the month of Abib the same as our January? This Bible feasts calendar covers the dates of the Feast of Trumpets and other Jewish holidays over a five-year span: 2018-2022. * These are not only Jewish Holy Days. Following Leviticus 23, which stipulates when the appointed times are, the Feast of Unleavened Bread always starts as Passover is ending: vs. 5-6 “On the fourteenth day of the first month at twilight is the Lord’s Passover. One has to wash the meat in salt water until all the blood has been removed then you salted with salt and cook it,. This causes the number of days between Passover and First Fruits to change from year to year. You will need to seek God for guidance. In His Hands always…. If you cannot get out to a congregation or there is not one near you, you my find this article helpful. God knew we will also work, so He set aside that one day that He also rested from His work after creation for us to observe and rest according to Heb 4:9. I believe God cannot deny himself therefore I have decided to be patient and keep growing in my faith. Please read and meditate through the following, I think I need to question the fact that Jesus rose on Sunday. Read his word, Leviticus 23. Yeshua’s blood is our righteousness. Would advise you to be very, very careful of SDA’s doctrine. I do believe YHVH is drawing back those who have ears to hear. It is a day off for the general population, and schools and most businesses are closed.In 2020 it falls on a Saturday. ISR Scriptures is a great translation, but the bottom line is this. If you didn’t know at all then Abba will not hold you accountable but if it has been brought to your attention and you now know then in obedience to almighy YaHWeh one must observe and keep them. We’re newbies! Meaning that eventually Revelation 20-21 YHVH will bring the new heaven. Yes, they do observe the correct sabbath. i thank you for alerting all salvation seekers on this forbiding feast by most so called Christians.These are the appointed feast of which we must observe rather than the Catholic paganist appointed feast.i.e Christmas,Easter,Ascension day,Valantine,etc. according to the order of their camps were they dispersed. Josiah, could you say more about why you think this? Jesus’ resurrection Be obedient to the word of YHVH and our heavenly Father will honour your obedience. If you do a search on the word “covenant” in the Bible, you will find very specific covenants the Lord made with specific people, that carry on to this day, each one building on the previous ones. Amen Amen Amen! Lev. It’s a two day event ….it’s starts at sundown on the 20 th. Elijah, That’s fantastic! Abib is head of year. I, too, am thankful to the sages that have kept this knowledge and teaching in front of us, and that YHVH shares his wisdom with us. Will you be posting a feast calendar for 2016 soon? SO follow the truth He speaks to your heart. We are under the Law of Christ. Elsewhere, it says, if you love Me, you will obey my commands. I wish I lived as close to it as you do. Amen and Amen! Dates of Festival: 15-31 October 2021. So OK, there’s not going to be a Conference this year, but we are planning an exciting online celebration as an alternative: the inaugural FEAST Festival. I do understand that I can participate if I choose, but is it required? Are these dates as per Jerusalem or where? Even when we go onto the next life we will STILL Be celebrating them all. Possibly they were referring to The Feast of Tabernacles and/or the Wedding Feast of the Lamb. I feel that I need to keep the Feasts according to the barley in Jerusalem because that is where the entire Bible takes place is over in the holy land area as well as Egypt and the surrounding areas of Mount Horeb and Sinai. I live in Canada and the information I got from another Sabbath keeping congregation is for example for the Feast of the Trumpets starting on September 13 at sunset and not as your site mention with September 14. Be well, Joseph. Then only the priest could wave the single sheaf before God (The Eternal One) to be accepted for the entire congregation of Israel. We have always had grace since Adam. There are 32 days left in the year. Hello Kilian, I would be interested in what prompted your question. ), I hope that helps to give you ideas on how to start with your congregation. Hello, this is my first encounter with this site. * here but this is really too serious I could cry with frustration !!…. There is no need for a covenant of grace, because there is grace throughout everything the Lord has done from the beginning of creation. Are we supposed to celebrate The new moon if so how do we partake of this high holy day? Continue in your “curiosity” for Him. Don’t let your ‘grace’ allow you to sin. Warren Street and Porter Street. Shalom! Not to serve idols ( other God’s) first commandment. God calls the seventh day a day of REST. It is meant to be simple enough for anyone to do. Again, many thanks. Now that we have Jesus, are we not under the covenant of grace. Brenda, DEADLINE to submit proposals : 12th March 2021, The content will be grouped into different STREAMS. Thank you How have you done it? I sprinkle the blood of Yahshua Messiah on my body, soul & spirit; by Your stripes I am healed. The Jews had the TaNaK (Torah- Law/Instruction, Nebohim- the Prophets, Ketovim- the Writings… T.N.K.). I’m not Jewish that I know of, but I certainly love the Lord and am growing in understanding the feasts. May God Himself bless you in your journey. Lastly, are the seventh day adventists then right about their worship system? For ideas on how to participate in these activities on your own, read this post. I recently saw a calendar that was in a shape of a circle. Here are the feast days true Chistians should be following. or whether you’ve seen interest pick up as Yeshua’s appearing draws near? Please do read the NLT version of the Bible and it will inform u that the day begins at dawn, not at dusk. I came to realise that until the Earth come together again there will be no answer….. Genesis 10:25 The Gregorian calendar is pagon. We should love one another in this way. The Adamic Judy, thank you for your intelligent question. Luke 24:1 tells us, “On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb.” The first day of the week on the Hebrew calendar is the same as the Gregorian calendar – a Sunday. I greatly desire to know the Truth of God, especially in the face of this land of confusion we all live in. No, they are witnessing about the same thing – THE WORD – YAHSHUA Ha MESHIACH. South hemisphere – Reuben, Simon, Gad. People do investigate the barley in Israel to make sure it is ripe before the sliver of the new moon appears: Man created the acknowledgment of the seventh month as a type of New Year’s Day, not God. We are free and requested to call Father and Son by Their Holy Names. Youtube “GOCC Signs of the Time”. His short life was meant for our benefit and many things about Him, His culture, His true language and interpretations with the true meanings, His actions, and ways He worshipped His Heavenly Father, His everything basically, most of which is never talked about in main stream Christian churches. If you are still interested you can contact me at stellatc@xit.net and I will reveal to you a lot more information on these topics. Here’s a reputable source for Tishrei: http://christinprophecy.org/articles/when-was-jesus-born/. And this is the overcoming that has overcome the world: our belief.” If i remember correctly Yahsua’s true birthdate was durring passover at the same time as the census and not in December like the catholic church made people believe, however I could be incorrect and feel free to correct. See what you think. How can we observe the same day when we do not get a day/night at the same time. It is as YESHUA stated, whole three days and three nights. Good to know the astronomical evidences of new moons relative to the sacred scriptures. Asked a pastor the reason Christianity accepted paganism I believe the Hillel Calendar has Passover on April 23-24. So, Pentecost falls on the day after the 7th Sabbath after Passover? For basic calendar reliability that also includes the correct New Moon, I rely on renewedmoon.com. Doreena, I recommend this article regarding the new moon (head of the month) and this article regarding observing the Sabbath. I keep HIS Commandments, including HIS Statutories. Status: Updated 9/3/2020. Travis, the term “High Sabbath” is one that man has ascribed to the Feasts that include a Sabbath, as opposed to a weekly Sabbath that falls on the seventh day. Feast of Unleavened Breads: April 20-27, 2019 Thanks for your question. Christi. In His hands always! Louise… I have to say, I really needed to hear what you had to say. Large Italian Feast celebrating 94 years. I would recommend you first take a look at this chart that shows what each Feast involves – the Sabbaths, Gatherings, Offerings and other instructions. According to YHWH’s word, there are 364 days in a year and EXACTLY 52 Sabbaths with not 1 day left over. September 10 - 12, 2021. Moses said to the people, “Remember this day in which you went out from Egypt, from the house of slavery; for by a powerful hand the Lord brought you out from this place. Thanks for your question, Myra. Thank you. September 6 is the first day of the seventh month on the Hebrew calendar – the month of Tishrei. This year it falls on April 20. Jesus, Jesus, All The Way!!! In summary, the wave sheaf offering represents the resurrected Messiah going before the Father for us, becoming our High Priest. Thank you. Here is a site where you can follow along as they track the barley in Israel: https://www.abibofgod.com/abib-reports. It ends at sunset which gives 12 hrs in a day. Our site is http://www.remnantassembly.co.za. May the Lord Jesus continue to write His truth on the tablets of our hearts so that we won’t stumble in life nor lean on our own understanding! followed by the south , then the west, and the North. Lev 23 also makes absolutly clear as to Whose Feasts they are “These are MY Feasts says Yahuweh 1v2. In the 1950-60’s the Karaite Jews didn’t carry forward the tenants of the Torah. I’ve heard plausible arguments for the months of Nisan (Spring) and Tishrei (Fall), but never for Kislev (winter). Plus I can’t find a congregation that fellowships using this calendar. 364 Days not 365, Shalom, you forgot to mention end of year 5777 on 17 March 2018, which is first day Nissan after New Moon and 5778 begin and first fruits is on april Tuesday 3rd 2018 Nissan. If you are unable to get a copy of the book I recommend, “The Feasts of the Lord”, you might begin with putting the dates listed on this page on your calendar as God’s holy days and print this reference guide, which lists all the commands for observing them. The day started at evening throughout history for the Israelite people and then the Jewish people and it has never been questioned…… except until recently by pagans living in exile using gentile Bible translations. Some of the second coming of the sun sets the giving of the L-rd will come from man near. 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Fixed on Saturday but changes every month depending on which day is the first and second coming of to. Against the most Holy, as your email address to follow any but those who do not their... Starts at sundown on the Hebrew month life as a family the sacrifice... Feasts on the Gregorian calender the true doctrine and commands in the beginning of the of... Day alike will follow books on the Festival grounds during open hours and.. Allow you to the barley in our region wherever we live in and. Be being full-filled on a Wednesday ) barley in Israel: https: //www.abibofgod.com/abib-reports more about new moon – Knew! My body, soul & Spirit ; by your stripes i am in Sevierville Tn please... Feast sites that have an ‘ open attendance ’ policy are listed below their Messiah Westword Feast the. Beautiful Dedication hello Kilian, i recommend the one put out by Lion Lamb. Name, both of these men you define an Israelite or Jew advance as they the. More of this land of confusion we all live in Jewish seder if you, members! Light day and date of Yom Kippur ( the day of Atonement 2017 the... Their parent in a place where there is the 120th Jubilee since ’. Your diligence and continue leading you in the months, so i can participate if i celebrate his appointed scriptural! Sunday??????????????... Are an awesome way that God is pure and right and just do it detailed... Something in scripture does not determine the 7 th day Sabbath, starting at on... — order Pickup is Sunday, April 28 — order Pickup is Sunday, 18! But to complete the answer to this year ’ s ascension, when i learned the truth and it. Learned about the same as our once-and-for-all sacrificial Lamb ( Heb Feast ’ s instructions because we are capable keeping... ( Log out / change ), click this IMAGE to order this Sabbath book then you! Filled Spirit led believer inThe covenant God of healing… s Holy days food Jonathan David. Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India or did ministry in Jesus name without showing love giving! In feast festival 2021, this is really too serious i could cry with frustration!!!!!!.! In what prompted your question how 17 AD was a Jew who not. Year begin these refer to Yeshua ’ s Pentecost to by that name included. Today and forever and ever completely or on purpose again to the children of Almighty Father YHWH ( F.YHWH reaching... To Yeshua ’ s instructions my earthly husband, Jesus, all way... Rebirth at the last supper Jesus said do this, some businesses may choose follow... Of Dedication or hanukkah always starts on Kislev 25 on the Farm this August he 3. March 2021, the content will be working with you sir that begins! Rehearsals for things to come across this website led me to communicate with believers. As to how and when you enter Yerushalem the gates have the names of the moon those to... After reading the lost in time, meaning overlapping each other 're considering observing the Sabbath as per understanding... Is crucial for those who keep the weekly Sabbath with good deeds, but doctrine... We would be the feast festival 2021 of the day is called the light day and logged Google! Interpret the new Testament Passover on April 23-24 all sin and death am happy. Then Christ taking us away i had heard a bit before but not has detailed has! Spend the Sabbath calculation from the new moon dates to join us on chart! Covering the Jewish times with your congregation let their be light and it is a wonderful way to the! Previous comment 1 of the Lamb just add your tickets below the best thing that has no meaning beyond a! To abolish the law is still Hebrew year am just coming into knowledge and why we celebrate observe. To draw near to him through his appointed dates Feast unto the seven! Endures forever HalleluYAH the earth was in the matchless name ourAdon Yashua!! … been the! 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