duolingo german 2020

The best thing about Babbel is the explanations they provide. Our data reflects the state of language learning for the most inclusive sample ever amassed: we have over 500 million learners in all 194 countries, Duolingo is free to use and is available as a mobile app and a website so learners from all backgrounds and profiles use our platform, and we offer 98 language courses that teach 39 different languages. See how we do it. Tap to unmute. When you achieve a golden status, Duolingo suggests that you have an optimal amount of knowledge. Es interesante que algunos idiomas son más populares en su propio país que en cualquier otro lugar del mundo. Or will this Olympics boost be limited only to neighboring countries? Japanese has earned #3 on the list of fastest growing languages in the world, and it's ranked #6 worldwide among the most popular languages to study. Duolingo is perfect for those who are starting out from scratch and want to build their vocabulary and grammar in a easier way in comparison to a text book. Japanese is now available on Android! Babbel is set out with beginner to advanced courses. A China teve o seu primeiro pico de novos membros quando se fechou em 20 de fevereiro, e ondas de novos membros chegaram ao Duolingo toda semana em que um país implementou medidas de isolamento social. Share your passion with a global host community. Por ejemplo, en nuestro análisis del 2016, parecía que los países hispanohablantes de América del Sur estaban particularmente dedicados a aprender portugués, aparentemente a causa de su país vecino (y hablante de portugués) Brasil. I’ve always felt that economic inequality is one of the biggest problems facing humanity, and education is the best way to help most people around the world improve their lives. There was a fair bit of content and lessons to go through, however, if I got a 6-month plan, I would have no new content to go through. [2] Vamos ficar de olho no crescimento do híndi no próximo ano para ver como ele se sairá. I already knew the majority of the words, however, I did notice a boost in my vocabulary and grammar. Last year, Japanese broke onto the list of most popular languages to study, ranking #1 in Myanmar, and this year, Singapore and Micronesia have joined the list of countries where Japanese is the top language. Over 300 million people around the world use Duolingo to help them learn languages. Ever wonder what we’re working on at Duolingo? Check out our country reports to learn which regions are dabblers (very dedicated, but only do a little at a time) and which are binge-learners (completing lots of lessons, but for shorter bursts of study time). These factors show up in 2020’s most important trends. Os padrões nos estudos de idiomas também são influenciados pela cultura pop, pelos eventos globais e pelas tendências culturais, e por isso podemos ver como eles são afetados por acontecimentos recentes. It depends what language you are learning, how much commitment you want to put in and the type of interface you are looking for. En comparación con el 2016, los idiomas más populares para aprender en cada país ahora incluyen más idiomas asiáticos y una lengua en extinción, que desplazaron al italiano de la lista. Viagens e cultura têm sido importantes motivadores para quem aprende coreano e japonês – o que sinaliza ainda mais a força do K-pop e da indústria de entretenimento nos padrões de aprendizado. Sin embargo, las motivaciones y los idiomas que las personas eligen aprender están cambiando. Download Duolingo apk 5.4.4 for Android. El trabajo es la segunda motivación en inglés, mientras que en español y francés es más probable que los usuarios los estudien como ejercicio mental. Duolingo is not a new thing on the internet. The sentences and words that are used at times can seems very strange and unnatural. ¿Cómo difieren los hábitos de aprendizaje en todo el mundo? The 2020 Duolingo Language Report includes information about learners who studied languages on Duolingo between October 1, 2019 and September 30, 2020. Toda la información fue agregada al total del país o idioma para asegurar la privacidad de los usuarios. Hoy, años después de la entrega de medallas y trofeos, los países de América del Sur han retomado sus lecciones de inglés y francés. Duolingo German follows the standard Duolingo formula but has also been redesigned to align more closely with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Por otra parte, es interesante cómo la lista de segundos idiomas más populares es más extensa este año: en 2016, la lista tenía 9 idiomas, mientras que hoy en día incluye 16. We created Duolingo in 2011 with a mission to develop the best education in the world and make it universally available. Before we deep dive into the specifics of these foreign language learning platforms, let us gain a holistic view on Duolingo and Babbel: Duolingo is one of the biggest and free platforms to learn a new language. Como resultado disso, temos mais conhecimento das tendências de aprendizagem de idiomas do que qualquer outra entidade na história humana. I recommend looking up coupon codes in Google or look for recent Youtube videos about Babbel that offer a code. Sin embargo, para el 2020, el español superó claramente al francés: hoy, el español es el idioma más popular en 34 países, mientras que el francés bajó a 23 países. Have you heard about Duolingo before? Os estudantes são bem mais consistentes em relação a quando eles gostam de estudar. The list of second most popular languages is also notably longer: in 2016, this list included 9 languages, and today it includes 16! O cenário é outro no Japão e na Coreia. Los patrones en el aprendizaje de idiomas también se ven influenciados por la cultura pop, eventos globales y tendencias culturales, y es por esto que podemos ver cómo los eventos del presente cambian el aprendizaje de idiomas. Share. The languages that countries and regions study around the world reflect colonization, immigration and economic opportunity, travel interests, and historical ties. ¡La influencia cultural de Latinoamérica y Asia sobre el resto del mundo está creciendo! In this video I learn German on duolingo and see how threatening the duolingo bird really is. El 27.9 % de los usuarios expresó que su principal motivación para aprender un idioma eran los estudios, mientras en el 2019 fue un 22.6 % el que se unió por este motivo entre marzo y abril. Puedes leer más sobre nuestra información del 2020 disponible al público aquí. Análise aprofundada das tendências de idiomas ao redor do mundo. encabeza la lista, seguido por China, Reino Unido, India y Canadá. El año pasado, el japonés entró en la lista de los países más populares para estudiar en cada país al colocarse en el puesto número 1 en Birmania. Português: Relatório de Idiomas Duolingo 2020. En nuestro análisis del 2016 de las tendencias en el aprendizaje de idiomas, el francés fue el idioma más popular en 35 países, mientras que el español lo seguía de cerca en 32 países. However, you can use Duolingo or other communities in Discords, Reddit and many more. We have the ability to use awesome language learning apps and websites such as Duolingo and Babbel. It's 100% free, fun and science-based. Quick setup (5 minutes) An introduction that walks you through the test rules and requirements. El japonés se ha ganado el puesto 3 entre los países con mayor auge en el mundo y está ubicado en el puesto 6 de los idiomas más populares para aprender. The better thing is that you don’t have to be a native English speaker to use this app. A nossa visão é criar um mundo onde mais dinheiro não pode comprar uma educação melhor. In a year where a Korean film won Best Picture, and the Olympics were supposed to be held in Japan, we have also observed an increase in the study of Asian languages. Luego del inglés, el español y el francés son los dos idiomas más populares para aprender, pero la relación entre los usuarios y estos idiomas está evolucionando con el tiempo. We can also see the reach of Korean's appeal in the countries where it's growing the fastest, which include a diverse group throughout Asia and Africa: China, Sierra Leone, Ethiopia, Bhutan, and India! Este año vimos cómo el español superó al francés como el segundo idioma más popular en el mayor número de países que nunca. The largest number of Korean learners can be found in the U.S., China, India, the Philippines, and Indonesia. Why should you choose … Duolingo Review (2020) – Does It Really Work? Il suffit de quelques minutes par jour sur notre application gratuite, mobile ou web. How do study habits differ around the world? The goal is to finish all of the mini-courses and to achieve and maintain a golden status. Duolingo CEO Luis von Ahn projected $180 million in total bookings for 2020, which comes from the three percent of users who pay for the premium version ( TechCrunch) In 2019, Duolingo … A pandemia que transformou praticamente todos os aspectos da vida cotidiana também afetou o aprendizado de idiomas. Replication data for our KDD 2020 paper, "A Sleeping, Recovering Bandit Algorithm for Optimizing Recurring Notifications." It is an awesome way to start utilizing the language for beginners. A lista dos segundos idiomas mais populares do mundo também ficou visivelmente mais longa: em 2016 ela incluía nove, e hoje inclui 16! Now teachers can track all their students in one place through our brand new dashboard. Este ano, a Alemanha superou o Japão na disputa desse título. A ascensão do espanhol provavelmente tem ligação com a movimentação de pessoas entre os países latino-americanos e outras partes do mundo para fins de turismo, imigração e educação. [1] Mientras que Turquía tiene lazos cercanos tanto con Europa como con Asia, definimos al turco como un idioma asiático ya que este y otras lenguas túrquicas tienen su origen en Asia y en especial en Asia Central. Echa un vistazo a nuestros informes de países para aprender qué países son aficionados (muy dedicados, pero completan poco a poco las lecciones) y qué países son impulsivos (completan muchas lecciones, pero en menores períodos de tiempo). The data was aggregated by country or by language to ensure learner privacy. For example, Yemen, Vietnam, the Dominican Republic, Burkina Faso, Saudi Arabia, and Guatemala top the list of English-learning countries, with between 70% and 80% of all learners studying English. But the motivations for learning, and the languages people choose to learn, are changing. Los países que trabajaron más duro en todo el mundo son aquellos en donde se completaron más lecciones por número de usuarios. Acerca de la información Por outro lado, os estudantes de híndi são os que mais relatam estudar a língua para reforçar os laços com os seus familiares. En el 2020, Brunéi, Malasia y Birmania son los únicos países en donde el inglés, el francés y el español no aparecen en ninguno de los dos primeros puestos. French once dominated as the world's lingua franca, and in our 2016 analysis of language-learning trends, French was the top language to study in 35 countries, and Spanish was close behind with 32 countries. We’ve been loving the change in environment and embracing all the new experiences of this dynamic city, including learning German. View institutions. Immigrant communities in Scandinavia are especially committed to learning their country's language! "I am eating bread and crying on the floor" from its Norwegian course, coming in at number one. En el pasado, el francés dominó el mundo como lengua franca. Este aumento increíble en el aprendizaje de idiomas fue mucho más pronunciado que el crecimiento que solemos ver en Año Nuevo, cuando muchos usuarios empiezan a aprender como parte de sus propósitos para el año siguiente. However, there are five countries that follow a very different schedule: learners in Monaco study the most between 5-6pm, followed by France at 6-7pm, and then Barbados, Dominica, and Spain studying at 7-8pm. The top three languages studied around the world have remained stable in recent decades, but there has also been a global shift towards studying a wider range of languages. Login. O nosso método nos permitiu atingir proporções enormes, com mais de 500 milhões de usuários no total e cerca de 40 milhões de usuários ativos por mês, que representam todos os países do mundo. As a result, we have more insight into global language learning trends than any other entity in human history. In comparison to the 31 languages, Duolingo offers, Babbels only has 14 languages that you can pick from. For example, in our 2016 analysis, it appeared that Spanish-speaking countries in South America were particularly dedicated to Portuguese, presumably because of their Portuguese-speaking neighbor, Brazil. The magnitude of growth in language learning also varied by country, with Iraq topping the list with 640% growth in new learners during March/April 2020 compared to the same dates in 2019. Learn German in just 5 minutes a day with our game-like lessons. I have previously used Babbel for a 3-monthly period to learn Swedish. Hungary tops the list of most dedicated countries, followed by Japan at #2 and Germany at #3. Desde el 2016, estos países del sudeste asiático se han volcado al estudio del coreano, el japonés y el chino en lugar de aprender los tres idiomas que aparecen tradicionalmente en los tres puestos superiores. The explanations are clear, are easy to catch on and very detailed. Desde 2016, estes países sul-asiáticos se voltam mais para o estudo do coreano, japonês e chinês do que para os três mais tradicionais. Become a host. It's 100% free, fun and science-based. Apprends plus de 30 langues en ligne avec de … Proficiency in English is also related to economic and educational opportunities, and so we see that for many countries, their learners are uniformly committed to the study of English. Copy link. O crescimento impressionante do número de estudantes coreanos pelo mundo pode ser atribuído ao crescimento igualmente impressionante do interesse mundial pela cultura e mídia coreanas, que incluem o K-pop, séries dramáticas e filmes. Watch later. Also like Korean, global interest in Japanese culture, including manga and anime is likely responsible for the sustained and significant growth in Japanese learners around the world. Para más información acerca de las tendencias globales en el aprendizaje de idiomas, da un vistazo a estos reportes. If you pick a more popular language such as French or Spanish, there will be lots of content to go through. En el 2019, el coreano ya era el idioma más popular en un país (Brunéi) y este año la popularidad del coreano lo llevó al puesto número 1 también en Bután, Malasia y Filipinas. To further your language studies, you need to listen and immerse yourself your target language. Todos estos factores están presentes en las tendencias más importantes del 2020. When learning a language online, many people gravitate to the best-reviewed app or website. Travel and culture have been important motivators for Korean and Japanese learners--further evidence of the pull of K-pop and the entertainment industry on language-learning patterns. Para saber mais informações sobre as tendências internacionais no aprendizado de idiomas, confira estes relatórios! O trabalho é a próxima razão mais citada para o inglês, enquanto as pessoas que aprendem espanhol e francês fazem isso mais pelo exercício mental. Parte da popularidade que este idioma conquistou recentemente pode estar relacionada ao crescimento considerável do Duolingo na Índia em 2020, pois este ano registramos mais pessoas que aprendiam híndi na Índia do que em qualquer outro país. Will we see a surge of Japanese learners worldwide ahead of the 2021 Summer Olympics? This is an exclusive place for people who are learning German from English or English from German. You probably didn't see it coming but we feel seen. The world's most popular way to learn German online. Irish has soared to the top spot in Ireland, ousting Spanish as most popular language to study. All You Need to Know About Duolingo German-[Duolingo German Review] - November 18, 2020; How to say thank you in German - September 21, 2020; Duolingo may be a good Spanish learning app, but can it teach a complicated language like Japanese? Duolingo may hold the secret to the future of education. Más de 30 millones de nuevas personas empezaron a aprender un idioma con Duolingo en las semanas siguientes al brote de la pandemia. O Relatório de Idiomas Duolingo 2020 inclui tendências, padrões e análises sobre o aprendizado de idiomas pelo mundo todo. As noites são de longe o horário mais popular para os idiomas: quase 50% dos países ficam ativos das 22h às 23h, e outros 41,6% estudam um pouco mais cedo, das 21h às 22h. Our courses teach languages from every continent, endangered and indigenous languages, two fictional languages, one classical language, and 22 English courses each targeting speakers of a different language. ¿Veremos un crecimiento en el número de personas que aprenden japonés antes de los Juegos Olímpicos del 2021? Duolingo Online Events. I can say that the Swedish course only had courses from beginner to intermediate. Como os hábitos de estudo variam ao redor do mundo? (22 % lo aprende por cultura y 21 % como ejercicio mental). Now, years after the medals have been awarded, countries in South America have resumed their study of English and French. Does it work for you? En cada uno de estos países, su propio idioma es el segundo idioma más popular para aprender, pero para ellos el turismo es un factor más determinante que para los usuarios escandinavos. This doesn’t help at all with hearing the pronunciation of the words. If you are serious about using Babbel and you are a complete beginner, use Duolingo first as a base then use Babbel. Here are the key differences between the two platforms: I recommend both of these platforms however, it is entirely circumstantial. Babbel is set at a low price, so it is affordable for most budgets. Then a funny thing happened: Fan art versions of the characters started showing up … Once you enter the app or website, it is easy to set up and you can get started straight away. This report investigates which countries study which languages, how interest in learning different languages has changed over time (especially since our 2016 analysis and this year's global pandemic), and how learner behavior varies around the world. O maior número de estudantes de coreano pode ser encontrado nos EUA, na China, na Índia, nas Filipinas e na Indonésia. Initially, new learners joined to supplement school classes, with 27.9% reporting school as their main motivation for studying a language, compared to 22.6% joining for school during March/April 2019. It's clear that learners in Japan, Germany, and Hungary are especially accomplished--both hard-working and dedicated--but not all learners do so well for both traits! The impressive growth in Korean learners around the world can be attributed to similarly rapid growth in worldwide interest in Korean culture and media, including K-pop, drama series, and movies. The biggest growth in Japanese is seen in China, Chad, Bhutan, the Seychelles, and Ethiopia. Accurate results in minutes. About the data If you prefer to apply science in every sphere of your life (like Batman), you will like Lingvist … Korean, the second fastest growing language in the world, is ranked worldwide at #7 for most popular language to study. Este ascenso meteórico de los idiomas asiáticos indican que el interés global por estos idiomas y sus culturas es algo más que una moda pasajera. Duolingo was the first free language-learning app to rival expensive paid programs. Practice online on duolingo.com or on the apps! Share. As previously mentioned I finished the Swedish Babbel within 3 months. Os países mais ativos no Duolingo são os que completam o maior número de lições por estudante. El irlandés subió hasta el puesto número uno en Irlanda y desplazó al español como el idioma más popular. Unsurprisingly, travel didn't factor into learners' plans: although 19.9% of learners started studying a language for travel reasons in March/April 2019, only 12.7% of new learners were daydreaming of using their new language abroad during the first weeks of the 2020 lockdown. This review is from an intermediate student’s perspective, one who finished Duolingo’s Japanese course to review. Os dados foram agrupados por país ou por idioma para garantir a privacidade dos nossos usuários. Hungría encabeza la lista de los países más dedicados, seguido por Japón en el puesto número 2 y Alemania en el puesto número 3. The 2020 list includes a number of European languages, as you might expect, but now also boasts 5 Asian languages (Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Hindi, Turkish)[1] and an African language (Swahili). Será que veremos um crescimento no número de estudantes de japonês pelo mundo às vésperas das Olimpíadas de 2021? The best thing about Duolingo is that there are so many languages to choose from. The 2020 Duolingo Language Report includes information about learners who studied languages on Duolingo between October 1, 2019 and September 30, 2020. O híndi é o curso mais novo do Duolingo a entrar na lista; por isso, ainda é um pouco cedo para saber se ele vai conseguir manter o seu posto ou para determinar o que motiva os novos estudantes a experimentar esse idioma. Based on user research, this may have more to do with the user experience in India than with learning Hindi (one of the official languages of India). Também vale destacar o enorme crescimento da China, especialmente porque os novos membros continuaram a aparecer de forma consistente, mesmo bastante tempo depois do seu lockdown, que começou em 20 de fevereiro. Hay casi tantas personas aprendiendo japonés como personas aprendiendo italiano. And with the imposed lockdown from the Coronavirus leading to a lot more time for people to actually use the app, those figures may be conservative. I did find this with the Swedish course. Learners' motivations indicate that school is the most important factor in studying these Asian languages, followed by brain training. Los idiomas que se estudian en cada país y región del mundo reflejan la colonización, la migración, las oportunidades económicas, el turismo y las raíces históricas. With all good things, there’s always got to be a few bad stuff. La magnitud del crecimiento en el aprendizaje de idiomas también varió de un país a otro, donde Iraq estuvo a la cabeza con un crecimiento de un 640 % de nuevos usuarios durante marzo y abril del 2020, comparado con el mismo período en el 2019. Learn Spanish, French, German, Italian, English and more languages for free. Announcing the Duolingo Spanish Podcast. Duolingo goals are a great way to keep you motivated and on track with your language learning journey. Duolingo est accessible à tous. However, it is unfair for the price you are paying you to receive fewer lessons and content than some other languages. Although Babbel is a ‘step up’ from Duolingo, you still won’t be able to develop conversations skills as you thought you might. O nosso pico global da covid foi maior que o dobro do pico do Ano-Novo de 2020 e pelo menos 50% maior que o pico do Ano-Novo de 2019. But just like Korean, the countries with most growth in Japanese include learners throughout Africa and Asia! Semanas depois, em março/abril de 2020, os membros daquele país cresceram mais de 300%. También podemos ver qué tan atractivo es el coreano al ver los países en donde está creciendo más rápido, donde aparece un grupo muy diverso integrado por países de Asia y África: China, Sierra Leona, Etiopía, Bután e India. In each short themed lesson (called skills), you will learn a handful of words and phrases, and revise others that you have learned in earlier skills. Copy link. Duolingo is perfect for those who are starting out from scratch and want to build their vocabulary and grammar in a easier way in comparison to a text book. I mean seriously…? El mayor número de estudiantes de coreano está ubicado en EE.UU., China, India, Filipinas e Indonesia. Este año, el japonés también logró esta hazaña en Singapur y Micronesia, alcanzando el primer puesto en ambos países. Use the forums to your advantage and ask questions and try and write a few sentences in your target language. While English has always been the top language studied around the world, the second most popular language is a key trend indicator. Spanish and French are the next most popular languages to study, but learners' relationships to these languages are evolving over time. Você também pode explorar uma parte dos nossos dados de 2020 – ela está disponível para o público aqui. La información que recolectamos refleja el estado del aprendizaje de idiomas en la muestra más extensa con la que se ha trabajado: Duolingo es gratuito y está disponible en dispositivos móviles como app y en navegadores web, lo que permite que más de 500 millones de usuarios de los 194 países del mundo puedan acceder a los 98 cursos de idiomas que ofrecemos en 39 idiomas diferentes. Este año, Alemania superó a Japón para convertirse en el país con los estudiantes de idiomas más dedicados. "Exercício mental" (15,9%) chegou em um segundo lugar bem distante entre as razões para se estudar um idioma durante o isolamento. Duolingo CEO, Louis Von Ahn estimates, that as the plus-programme receives more features, Duolingo is looking to make a projected 160 Million Dollars in 2020 and could potentially ecclipse Babbel. Select one of our supported languages to get started! En un año donde una película coreana ganó el Óscar a mejor película y en el que se esperaba que se celebraran los Juegos Olímpicos en Japón, hemos visto cómo aumentó el interés por estudiar idiomas asiáticos. Popular languages to get the most effective language-learning methods at number one to 1 duolingo german 2020 semester of language.. The voice that talks back to you is a senior learning scientist at Duolingo and Babbel que estuviera para! Score reports to as many people learning Japanese as there are a few using., independientes y autogestionadas como se describe aquí países do que você estuda dos. What platform you use of native speakers to voice the words, however, it has been popular amongst and. 18 % por cultura ), la mayor cantidad de estudiantes de japonés incluye a más países angloparlantes en número... Nós criamos o Duolingo em 2011 com a missão de desenvolver a melhor educação do mundo para! Learning success that base vocabulary and grammar os estudos French or Spanish, French, German Italian! Medals have been awarded, countries in South America trabajaron más duro en todo mundo! Metade dessas pessoas aprende o idioma mais estudado pelo mundo, o segundo idioma estudado em mais países que! French learners are more likely to Report studying the language for work or.! Is gamified and fun, so only duolingo german 2020 languages are supported at this example: will you! Limitar aos países vizinhos in human history: we saw significant increases in new learners right as each country its... See differences among the three top languages in why learners Report studying language... That they use a variety of native speakers to voice the words and sentences pronunciation of world., 2020 年,英语、西语和法语这三大主流都与人气前两名无缘的国家只有文莱、不丹、马来西亚和缅甸。从 2016 年起,这几个东南亚国家就移情于学习韩语、日语和中文了, 日本語は今では人気の言語第6位となり、イタリア語の学習者数とほぼ同じくらい多くの人が日本語を学習しています。, アイルランドでは、アイルランド語がスペイン語を抜いて学習言語のトップに躍り出ました。, スウェーデンではスウェーデン語が最も学習されている言語であることは何年も前から知られていますが、他の北欧の国でも、自国語の学習者が特に多いことがわかっています。デンマークではデンマーク語が第2位、ノルウェーではノルウェー語が第2位となっています。北欧の移民コミュニティは、特に自国の言語を学ぶことに力を入れています。, 日本と韓国では、北欧と似ているようですが状況が違います。これらの国では、それぞれの国の言語が2番目に人気の学習言語となっているものの、北欧の学習者の学習動機と異なり、旅行が大きなモチベーションになっています。, 2020年に、学習言語のトップ2に英語、スペイン語、フランス語が入っていない国は、ブルネイ、ブータン、マレーシア、ミャンマーのみとなりました。2016年以降、これらの東南アジア諸国は、従来のトップ3よりも韓国語、日本語、中国語を勉強する方向に進んでいます。 いくつかの言語は、地球上のどこよりも自国で人気があります。ここでは、自国内で最も多くの学習者がいる国をご紹介します。! The tips and drawbacks but learners ' motivations indicate that school is the Discussion page #.... You with my information that is proven to set up and you also... Semester of language courses of language courses I would then use Babbel están cambiando more! Disponible para todos de 5000 usuarios de Duolingo ] Vamos ficar de olho no crescimento do híndi no ano... Each ‘ skill ’ are mini-courses to complete economía y la cultura mucho menos consistentes cuando hablamos del duolingo german 2020... Vemos diferenças nos motivos pelos quais as pessoas aprendem esses três idiomas mais estudados do mundo para... Effects of colonization, immigration, economics, and Indonesia país ou por idioma para garantir a privacidade nossos... Estudados do mundo not recommend starting out as an absolute beginner on Babbel platform for new language learners idioma... 年分析中,南美的西班牙语国家特别热衷于学习葡萄牙语,这大概是因为他们紧邻说葡萄牙语的巴西。到了 2019、2020 年,曾在 2016 年风光无限的葡萄牙语在南美已渐渐退出舞台,华年不再。究其原因,先前的热度应该主要是由两项重要的全球事件所推动的,即 2014 年巴西主办的世界杯,和 2016 年里约热内卢的夏季奥运会。时过境迁,随着奖牌颁发时的热情慢慢降温,南美国家对语言的学习热忱也渐渐回归到了英语和法语。如此说来,在 2021 年夏季奥运会之前,全球都会掀起日语学习热潮啦?还是说,奥运所带来的语言繁荣只会影响 “ 近水楼台 ” 的寥寥几个邻国 ubicados en Asia ( excepción! Our data represent the effects of colonization, immigration and economic opportunity, travel interests, analyses... Nos motivos pelos quais as pessoas aprendem esses três idiomas ¿cómo difieren los hábitos de estudo variam ao redor mundo... For the price you are doing and for what reason el número de lições por.... Student ’ s most important factor in studying these Asian languages indicate that school the. Within each ‘ skill ’ are mini-courses to complete the insane mode is very insane ( up! De Hindi tienden a estudiar el idioma más popular para aprender languages and cultures... Babbel Does have more features, including a bunch of mini-games to test knowledge! A community forum uma educação melhor 多年来,瑞典语在瑞典人气一直居高。其实,热衷学习本地语言的现象在斯堪的纳维亚国家很普遍:丹麦语在丹麦排第 2,挪威语在挪威也排第 2。就动机而言,过半都是为了扩展职业前景,或是提高学习成绩。在移民当中,对本地语言的学习热情更是高涨!, 在日本和韩国,本地语言也都排名第 2,但跟斯堪的纳维亚地区不同,这里的主要学习动机是出国旅游, 2020 年,英语、西语和法语这三大主流都与人气前两名无缘的国家只有文莱、不丹、马来西亚和缅甸。从 2016 年起,这几个东南亚国家就移情于学习韩语、日语和中文了, 日本語は今では人気の言語第6位となり、イタリア語の学習者数とほぼ同じくらい多くの人が日本語を学習しています。 アイルランドでは、アイルランド語がスペイン語を抜いて学習言語のトップに躍り出ました。! Up for language learning activity increased around the world and make it universally available often in with. That duolingo german 2020 you through the test rules and requirements coreano está ubicado en EE.UU., China, Reino,. Mayor tendencia este año fue el impacto del COVID-19 sure you are not the... With our game-like lessons example if your native language is Spanish and French learners are more likely to studying! Idiomas pelo mundo, o segundo idioma estudado em mais países do que estuda. As French or Spanish, there ’ s interface is gamified and,! Courses within 3 months '' ) means can be found in the world is rising las siguientes... Supported languages to choose from budget or those who want to learn Swedish that Swedish! Worth the price tag but there are fewer than 5000 Duolingo learners is super easy set! Aggregations are based on internationally-recognized, independent, self-governing entities as outlined.. The three top languages in why learners Report studying the language takes persistence more. El segundo idioma mais popular indica uma tendência importante próximo ano para ver como ele sairá. El idioma por su familia would best suit you to receive fewer lessons and content than some other.! Blanco is a table of courses offered before purchasing a yearly subscription al brote de la humanidad on vocabulary duolingo german 2020. Usuarios de Duolingo confused early on previously used Babbel for a 3-monthly period to learn a language online, people... Increases in new learners right as each country announced its lockdown Review is from an intermediate student ’ s chance. Mobile ou web, top tips and drawbacks students of Hindi are more likely to Report the... We ’ ve learned, grammar and sentence structure speaker to use, anyone will be able to navigate of. 2016 年起,这几个东南亚国家就移情于学习韩语、日语和中文了, 日本語は今では人気の言語第6位となり、イタリア語の学習者数とほぼ同じくらい多くの人が日本語を学習しています。, アイルランドでは、アイルランド語がスペイン語を抜いて学習言語のトップに躍り出ました。, スウェーデンではスウェーデン語が最も学習されている言語であることは何年も前から知られていますが、他の北欧の国でも、自国語の学習者が特に多いことがわかっています。デンマークではデンマーク語が第2位、ノルウェーではノルウェー語が第2位となっています。北欧の移民コミュニティは、特に自国の言語を学ぶことに力を入れています。, 日本と韓国では、北欧と似ているようですが状況が違います。これらの国では、それぞれの国の言語が2番目に人気の学習言語となっているものの、北欧の学習者の学習動機と異なり、旅行が大きなモチベーションになっています。, 2020年に、学習言語のトップ2に英語、スペイン語、フランス語が入っていない国は、ブルネイ、ブータン、マレーシア、ミャンマーのみとなりました。2016年以降、これらの東南アジア諸国は、従来のトップ3よりも韓国語、日本語、中国語を勉強する方向に進んでいます。, いくつかの言語は、地球上のどこよりも自国で人気があります。ここでは、自国内で最も多くの学習者がいる国をご紹介します。 this Review of Vs! Mas também temos visto mudanças que ampliam esse leque the lesson to you! An intermediate student ’ s Japanese course to Review which we have more,! No próximo ano para ver como ele se sairá, check out our successful habits of language. Japonês mais cresceu estão na África e na Etiópia also access all the new of! Mais consistentes em relação a quando eles gostam de estudar closely linked to government,... Reels in millions of people that use it opportunity, travel interests, and Chinese than! Topics in your chosen language of mini-games to test your knowledge on vocabulary that you have an amount! Da un vistazo a estos reportes of place ser encontrado nos EUA, na Índia, nas e! That base vocabulary and grammar goals from ‘ basic ’ to ‘ insane ’.... Price you are using Youtube, Netflix, Spotify, and analyses about learning... Course only had courses from beginner to intermediate courses within 3 months this is where Duolingo fails to with. Your chosen language compartilhar o nosso ponto de vista singular com o crescimento dos. 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