hekla eruption 2000

The 18th historic eruption of Hekla started on 26 February, 2000. After the explosive phase reached its maximum, the eruption went through three more phases, namely fire-fountaining, Strombolian bursts and lava effusion. At this time of the year, however, most domestic animals are kept indoor, so fluorosis is not expected to become a problem during this eruption. Effusion rate is similar as the day before although the explosion activity has diminished. Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland, Askja Sturlugata 7, 101, Reykjavík, Iceland, Ármann Höskuldsson, Níels Óskarsson, Rikke Pedersen, Karl Grönvold & Rósa Ólafsdóttir, The Icelandic Meteorological Office, Bústaðavegur 9, 150, Reykjavík, Iceland, You can also search for this author in On average, the volcano has been erupting about every 10 years, and it would statistically seen be due for a new one. Unlike Eyjafjallajök… Initially, a 6-7 km long eruptive fissure opened up along most of the Hekla ridge. Photos: Ármann Höskuldsson (armh@hi.is), Early morning on February 29 activity was ongoing. A 6-7 km long fissure could be seen along the mountain top on Saturday night, the column of steam rose nearly 15 km (45,000 feet) into the sky and ash was detected as far north as the island of Grímsey. Hekla's most recent eruption was in February 2000, when a 10 to 12-km-high plume of ash, gas and water vapour persisted for a couple of hours. The lava that flows to the south is on the other hand fed by a crater close to the summit of Hekla, which has obviously been activated again. The lava is spreading in a "cuvet" like depression. The lover most part of the fissure is sub terrain from the lowermost crater to an approximately 50 m high block of older welded rocks, resembling a horst formation. A network of borehole strainmeters operated by the Iceland Meteorological Office also detected precursory strain change associated with magma movements. A 6.6-km-long fissure opened along the length of Hekla volcano from the SW to the NE, south of the summit area. Ash from previous Hekla eruptions has commonly been very rich in fluoride and often been the cause of fluorosis in grazing animals. On February 27 northerly winds were prevailing and light ash fall occurred in South Iceland. Photos: Guðrún Sverrisdóttir (gsv@hi.is). The eruptive fissure split into five segments. US Geol Surv Bull 2047:377–385, McNutt SR, Tytgat GC, Power JA (1995) Preliminary analyses of volcanic tremor associated with 1992 eruptions of Crater Peak, Mount Spurr, Alaska. BSc Thesis, University of Iceland, Höskuldsson A (1999) The Hekla 1947 eruption, rise and fall of the volcanic plume. IV. Contrib Mineral Petrol 42:245–258, Article  The thickness of the lava at the front was 8-10 m on average. However, it is growing towards the east at present.Little is known about the activity for the rest of the day due to bad weather conditions. Am Mineral 83:1127–1131, Baldridge WS, McGetchin TR, Frey FA (1973) Magmatic evolution of Hekla, Iceland. In the morning of 8 March at 8:44 the last eruptive tremor was detected on seismometers. Nature 323:598–602, Einarsson T (1974) The Heimaey eruption in words and pictures. J Volcanol Geotherm Res 61:281–291, Wilson L, Sparks RSJ, Huang TC, Watkins ND (1978) The control of volcanic eruption column heights by eruption energetics and dynamics. The millennium eruption of Hekla in February 2000. Tremor at Hekla during 26-28 February 2000 recorded at Haukadalur, 10 km W. At the beginning of the eruption, 1819 on 26 February, the tremor increased rapidly and reached a maximum at 1850. We are also thankful for the stimulating discussion with Halldór Ólafssona and Erik Sturkell during the preparation of this manuscript. Details of the Eruption and Hekla’s Past On 26 February 2000 at 1819 UT, an eruption of Hekla began, its 18th since European settlement about 876 AD [Haraldsson et al., 2002]. Its seismic expressions were a swarm of numerous small earthquakes related to its onset, and low-frequency volcanic tremor that continued throughout the eruption. White small eruption clouds were observed to penetrated thin clouds covering the top of Hekla, as reported from Selsund this morning. In: Sigurdsson H, Houghton B, McNutt S, Rymer H, Stix J (eds) Encyclopedia of volcanoes. Contrib Mineral Petrol 119:197–212, Ghiorso MS, Hirschmann MM, Reiners PW, Kress VC III (2002) The pMELTS: a revision of MELTS aimed at improving calculation of phase relations and major element partitioning involved in partial melting of the mantle at pressures up to 3 GPa. Part of Springer Nature. Hekla is located in south Iceland where the South Iceland Seismic Zone intersects the Eastern Volcanic Zone and is characterized by eruption of intermediate to silicic magma. The eruption started in a highly explosive manner giving rise to a Subplinian eruptive column and consequent basaltic pyroclastic flows fed by column collapses. Bulletin of Volcanology In: Proc 1st int symp on volcanic ash and aviation safety. A group of scientists reached the SW lava flow at 13:00, 3 March. Four main vents where observed and then three smaller vents. During this eruption, a NASA airplane accidentally flew through the plume, resulting in the first ever directly recorded measurements of … A warning was issued to the National Civil Defense of Iceland about one hour before the eruption, and the public was alerted about the imminent eruption about 15 minutes before it began, through news on the Iceland national radio. Remarks: Tilt and InSAR measurements show that Hekla subsided during the 2000 eruption. Ash fall was reported on the Grimsey island off the north cost of Iceland, at a distance of 300 km from Hekla. Real-time radar observations of the onset, advec-tion, and waning of the eruption cloud were studied using Hekla produces occasional violent eruptions in Iceland. Two main lava streams were observed. The 18th historic eruption of Hekla started on 26 February, 2000. Increased activity was observed in the top craters today. LOS coeruptive displacements between 15 October 1999 and 16 June 2000 from descending track 52. Because of bad weather conditions no direct observations could be done on the eruption on 4 March. Soc Sci Islandica V:1–44, Simpson JJ, Hufford G, Pieri D, Berg J (2000). The sizes of volcanic eruptions are key parameters to understand eruption precursors and eruption hazard scenarios. A more active lava stream emanated from three craters near the southern end of the eruptive fissure. The center and northern area could not be observed due to cloudy hat (the hekla). Hekla with the fresh lava flows seen from the air (above), showing mild steaming and the still active lava flow from the base of the eruptive fissure on 4 March 2000 (below). Part I: calibration and solubility models. Snæfellsjökull. During its earlier phase, Hekla became active every 50 years, with some very powerful eruptions. It is a volcanic ridge, but the view along the volcanic zone reveals the profile of a perfectly shaped … Contrib Mineral Petrol 112:20–34, Sigmundsson F, Einarsson P, Bilham R (1992) Magma chamber deflation recorded by the global positioning system: the Hekla 1991 eruption. The seven craters observed on the southern end fead the lava flow that goes towards SW. At the base of the fissure, that strikes up from the foot of Hekla and up to its shoulder, a large tumuli has developed. During the last millennium, Hekla has erupted 23 times, making it the third most active volcano in Iceland. Hekla's most recent eruption was in 2000 Hekla is thought to have covered much of Iceland with tephra (volcanic debris) and lava. On 3 March we will attempt to approach the southern flank of Hekla and sample the lavastreams in the north east and south west, we will also do some GPS location of the lava fronts. Hekla eruption in 1947 created a volcanic plume that rose to about 30 km in the stratosphere. This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution. Lava flows down the slopes of Hekla and covers a large part of the SE flank of the Hekla ridge. It was a short-lived but intense event, emitting basaltic andesitic (55.5wt% SiO2) pyroclastic fragments and lava. It erupted four times in the 20th century, the last time in 2000. During the course of the eruption, monitoring was done by both instruments and direct observations, together providing unique insight into the current activity of Hekla. The last time was in 2000, when the blast created a cloud of ash, gas and steam reaching up to 12km into the sky. The lava streams out through an opening of the tumili and joins a stream comming from overflows in the uppermost craters. Eruption cloud of 26 Feb 2000. The 2000 Hekla eruption took place from February 26 to March 8. Photo by Sigurjón Sindrason. We would like to think James White and two anonymous reviewers for a thorough and stimulating review. Minor tremors are still observed but they could be related to degassing of lava in the feeder dike. Eruption cloud of 26 Feb 2000. The sequence of events for eruptions in 1970, 1980–81, 1991 and 2000 has been well-documented ( Thorarinsson and Sigvaldason, 1972 , Grönvold et al., 1983 , Gudmundsson et al., 1992 , Höskuldsson … ISBN9979–60–434–4, Samgönguráðuneytið (in Icelandic), Höskuldsson A, Olafsdóttir R (2002) Hekla eruption 2000, the generation of pyroclastic flows. The 700,000 year old volcano is … After tephra falls during the 1947 eruption of Hekla, fluorine contents of stream waters in areas that received between 1 to 10 cm of ash were found to be between 1.0 and 4.5 ppm for a short duration (Thorarinsson, 1979), elevated from the normal background level of 0.2 ppm. J Volcanol Geotherm Res 22:125–145, Gardner JE, Thomas RME, Jaupart C, Tait S (1996) Fragmentation of magma during Plinian volcanic eruptions. The most extensive lava flow emanated from a crater situated south of the top of the volcano, flowing in the direction towards Vatnafjoll, probably by rate of 6-7 m per hour. Bull Volcanol 54(3):238–246, Haraldsson K (2001) The Hekla 2000 eruption-distribution of ash from the first days of the eruption (in Icelandic). 5 March. Activity in the craters was strombolian, with explosions on the interval of some 4 to 5 min. In a reconnaissance flight between 17:30 and 18:30 it was observed that steaming was vigorous along the whole eruptive fissure. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00445-007-0128-3. There is a constant glow in the top craters, this is somehow different from what was observed on 29/2 when distinct explosion were observed and no glow in-between. Weather conditions and poor visibility have severely limited observations. This evening, strombolian activity in three separate craters at the southernmost part of the eruptive fissure was observed. Later in the evening this was confirmed by observers which reported that lava was still flowing slowly at Vatnafjoll. Ash fall was reported this morning in Fljótshlíð 35-40  km south of the volcano, carried by strong northerly wind.During the morning activity seemed to be continously decreasing, and by around 8 AM all activity in the summit area of the volcano ceased. The eruption had an early ener-getic subplinian phase, which produced a dominantly white plume [Good, 2001]. The biggest eruption was in 1104 AD when it erupted without warning ejecting millions of tonnes of tephra. 6 March. The maximum thickness of the ash sector, 21 km north of the volcano, was 4-5 cm when measured 7 hours after the onset of the eruption. Constant steaming from the SW craters, compared to yesterdays observation there was much bigger steam clouds rising from the top craters. No activity was observed, but small scale tremor was noticed on seismometers. Eruption tremor  was declining in the afternoon. The blue mist is caused by continuos degassing of the magma as it flows along the lava stream. Glowing lava streams were also noted down the flank of the mountain. - GPS coordinates: 63°59'29'' N, 19°39'41'' W. Max. In: Proc AGU 2001 Fall Meeting, Eos 82, F1355, Abstract, Settle M (1978) Volcanic eruption clouds and thermal power output of explosive eruptions. Most of the ash fell in uninhabited areas in the interior of Iceland, but asmall amount of ash fell in inhabited areas in North Iceland. The 18th historic eruption of Hekla started on 26 February, 2000. One going SW of the mountain and the seccond going straight to the south. Hekla has had 18 summit eruptions during the last 1100 years, the last in 2000. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00445-007-0128-3, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00445-007-0128-3, Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips, Not logged in Hekla is located in the south of Iceland, just north of the country’s most famous volcano, Eyjafjallajökull, which last erupted in 2010, causing planes to be grounded and reporters to be tongue-tied for weeks. The amplitude of the eruption tremor continues to decline at a slow rate, and the power of the eruption was obviously decreasing. It was a short-lived but intense event, emitting basaltic andesitic (55.5 wt% SiO2) pyroclastic fragments and lava. On a reconnisance flight over Hekla between 11:00 and 12:30 on March 1 the southern part of the fissure was cloudless. As much as 10% of all the tephra in Iceland is thought to have originated from Hekla. Nature 306:515–545, Thorarinsson S (1954) The eruption of Hekla 1947–48: the tephra fall from Hekla on March 29th 1947. Some are very short (a week to ten days) whereas others can stretch into months and years (the 1947 eruption started 29 March 1947 and ended April 1948). US Geol Surv Bull 2139:161–178, Morton BR, Taylor GI, Turner JS (1956) Gravitational turbulent convection from maintained and instantaneous sources. 1491-m-high Hekla is one of Iceland's most prominent, most known and active volcanoes. Its volcanic history during historic times is characterized by one or two vigorous eruptions per century. At sunset, red pulsing glow was observed from Selsund. A discontinuous curtain of fire emanated from the whole fissure. It was also observed that all the lava flows had come to halt. Hekla eruption 2000 The volcano Hekla is located at the intersection of the Eastern volcanic zone and the SISZ (Figure 34). Snow melted from the ash contains about 2200 mg/l (ppm) fluoride. Hekla eruption 2000 - Photo: Sigurjón Sindrason. In fact, the Hekla volcano in Iceland has provided some of the largest amounts of lava in the world! It has frequent eruptions that start with an explosive onset producing eruption plumes, then lava fountains and culminate in large lava flows. The most recent major eruption of Hekla in 1947 created a volcanic plume that rose to about 30 km in the stratosphere. A revised and internally consistent thermodynamic model for the interpolation and extrapolation of liquid-solid equilibria in magmatic systems at elevated temperatures and pressures. Prior to 2000, Mt Hekla had erupted regularly every decade since 1970. Soc Sci Islandica Spec Publ 1:1–183, Thorarinsson S, Sigvaldason GE (1972) The Hekla eruption of 1970. Continuous low-frequency tremor characteristic of Hekla eruptions began at 18:19, and at the same time the eruptive cloud was spotted by observers. The earliest recorded eruption of Hekla took place in 1104. An eruption began in the Hekla volcano at approximately 18:17 on the 26th of February, 2000. Bull Volcanol 46:349–363, Gudmundsson A, Oskarsson N, Gronvold K, Saemundsson K, Sigurdsson O, Stefansson R, Gislason SR, Einarsson P, Brandsdottir B, Larsen G, Johannesson H, Thordarson T (1992) The 1991 eruption of Hekla, Iceland. Since the late 20th century Hekla’s eruptions have been characterized by an explosive ash-producing phase that precedes or occurs simultaneously with fountaining or flowing lava. Those eruption events also produced lava flows. Although the activity peaked within the hour, the eruption is still going on and an impressive river of … The average repose period was 60 years before 1970 but then decreased abruptly to ~ 10 years. The lava production probably lasted for only 9 days. Learn more about Institutional subscriptions, Asimow PD, Ghiorso MS (1998) Algorithmic modifications extending MELTS to calculate subsolidus phase relations. Tremor then decreased until about 0700 on 27 February and became steady. Hekla volcano - eruption history It is thought that Hekla has had at least twenty eruptions since the settlement of Iceland in the year 874 AD. 7 March. Activity on the fissure that cuts up the SW slopes of Hekla is vigorous. No activity was observed in other areas of the volcano. © 2021 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Hekla, south Iceland, began erupting at 18:18 on Saturday, February 26, 2000. In 2000, Hekla was undergoing a VEI 3 eruption, small in comparison to its bigger eruptions, producing an ash plume that rose up to 15 km and travelling north across Iceland. Soc Sci IslandicaSpec Publ 2(3):1–68, Thorarinsson S (1967) The eruption of Hekla 1947–48: the eruptions of Hekla in historic times: a tephrochronological study. Hekla volcano in South Iceland began a new eruption on February 26, 2000 at 18:19 GMT. Most of the volcano's flanks are covered by extensive lava flows from historical eruptions, dating back to 1104 AD. Bad weather hindered observation of Hekla since noon yesterday till midday March 2. Hekla is part of a 40 kilometre (25 mile) rift, the most active part, called Heklugjá, being under the volcano itself. Hekla had four minor eruptions during this time: in 1970, 1980, 1991, and 2000. Google Scholar, Carey SN, Bursik M (2000) Volcanic plumes. Immediate online access to all issues from 2019. Bull Volcanol 66:457–473, McNutt SR (1994) Volcanic tremor amplitude correlated with eruption explosivity and its potential use in determining ash hazards to aviation. Like Eyjafjallajökull and Hekla, Snæfellsjökull is another one of Iceland’s most famous and most visited volcanoes. Geophys Res Lett 19:1483–1486, Sigvaldason GE (1974) The petrology of Hekla and origin of silicic rocks in Iceland. Ármann Höskuldsson. Hekla volcano in South Iceland began a new eruption on February 26, 2000 at 18:19 GMT. The lava was being expelled through an opening of the horst like structure.The flow rate of the lava at the origin was estimated 0,06 m/s, producing about 10 m3/s.The lava river can be traced for some distance by blue mist rising above it. Hekla. In 2000 skepticism concerning conclusions about connecting Hekla 3 and Hekla 4 (probably 2310 BC ±20) with paleoenvironmental events and archaeologically attested abandonment of settlement sites in northern Scotland was expressed by John P. Grattan and David D. Gilbertson. elevation: 1490 m.a.s.l. A short-term precursory earthquake activity was recorded by the seismic networks of the Science Institute, University of Iceland, and the Iceland Meteorological Office. Bull Volcanol 58:144–162, Ghiorso MS, Sack RO (1995) Chemical mass transfer in magmatic processes. A broad area around the volcano is characterized by displacement away from satellite, about 15?20 mm relative to the surroundings. The lava covers approximately 18 km2 and preliminary estimate of lava production is 0.11 km3. J Petrol 36:1607–1631, Eichelberger JC, Carrigan CR, Westrich RH, Price RH (1986) Non-explosive silicic volcanism. This indicates that feeding of the lava flow has stopped and the lava stream drained away to form the channel. Geochem Geophys Geosyst 3(5):DOI 10.1029/2001GC000217, Grönvold K, Larsen G, Einarsson P, Thorarinsson S, Saemundsson K (1983) The Hekla eruption 1980–1981. This activity gradually increased and the first locatable earthquakes occurred at 17:29. The lava flow in the SW is still ongoing according to observations made in the afternoon. Eruptions in Hekla are varied and difficult to predict. The activity pattern changed after the 1947-1948 This lava stream was several km long and was advancing at a rate of about a meter per minute. We also show that the eruption phases observed at Hekla can be linked with inferred magma chamber overpressure prior to the eruption. This is indicating that lava is still flowing from the crater close to the summit area. During the 12-day eruption, a total of 0.189 km3 DRE of magma was emitted. 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