arendal 1961 manual

At the Digitalarkivet you will also find the Norwegian National censuses of 1801, 1865 and 1900 for online searching. McLintock, W.F.P. Kotora Jimboh (1899) Notes on the Minerals of Japan. Busby-Spera, C. & J. Saleeby (1987). Petrology, geochemistry and source characteristics of the Burpala alkaline massif, North Baikal. When someone wanted to move from the area where they lived, they needed some kind of identification paper. Minnesota Geological Survey Report of Investigations 54, USGS Miscellaneous Field Studies Map 2038, J.V. (2012) Stokesite crystals from La Cabrera, Madrid, Spain. 43, pp. Mineralogical Record, 8 (2): 115-126. Belot, Victor R. (1978) Guide des minéraux, coquillages et fossiles: où les trouver en France, comment les reconnaître et les collectionner (Guides Horay). Romanova, M. A., 1978, White granites of Arga-Ynnykh-Khaya and Mechanism of their Generation, Researches in Mathematical Geology: Nauka Press, Leningrad, p. 25–40 (in Russian). ; Ivanyuk, G.Y. Vishnevsky, S., & Montanari, A. Hoots, Harold William (1931), Geology of the eastern part of the Santa Monica Mountains, Los Angeles County, California: USGS PP 165C: 88; Neuerberg, George Joseph (1951), Minerals of the eastern Santa Monica Mountains, Los Angeles city: American Mineralogist: 36: 159; Sharp, W.E. R.PIERROT, L. CHAURIS, C. LAFORET (1973) : "Inventaire minéralogique de la France : 29- Finistère. in Volume 17: Caledonian Igneous Rocks of Great Britain Chapter 8: Late Silurian and Devonian granitic intrusions of Scotland. Miner. Litiofilen, 28 (1): 15-37. There might also be other business information. Archiv für Mineralogie, Geognosie, Bergbau und Hüttenkunde. 2016). Smith, D.G.W. (2009): Geologi och mineralogi i Gåsgruvefältet, Filipstad. - Stavanger 1903 - 1925 "Utvandrersenteret" in Stavanger is working to reconstruct some of the lists. However, many people would use the farmname as their surname after moving in to the cities. The National Library of Norway (Nasjonalbiblioteket), Norwegian-American collection keeps records of 1st and 2nd class passengers traveling with the Norwegian America Line. J. Mineral & Fossil Localities, Sears, John H. (1890). (1953): The Mineralogy of Greenland. Parafiniukite, Ca2Mn3 (PO4) 3Cl, a New Member of the Apatite Supergroup from the Szklary Pegmatite, Lower Silesia, Poland: Description and Crystal Structure. Eur. 160, Krishna P. Kaphle, Himalayan gemstones and their prospects in Nepal, 2011, Kihle, J. and Bucher-Nurminen, K., (1992) Orthopyroxene-sillimanite-sapphirine granulites from the Bamble granulite terrane, southern Norway. Robert Whitmore specimen). Overview and comparison of Besshi-type deposits: ancient and recent (Doctoral dissertation, Rhodes University). European Journal of Mineralogy, 32(1), 101-119. EISA HOME THEATRE RECEIVER 2020-2021 Denon AVC-X4700H. Lauder, W.R. (1964) The geology of Pepin Island and part of the adjacent mainland. Abstract 19th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting, Geonytt, 17, 58, D.Visser; The metamorphic evolution of the bamble sector, south Norway, Geologica Ultraiectina No.103, University of Utrecht, Netherlands. Special Papers-Geological Society Of America, 19-60. To find the name of the ship on which the emigrant crossed the Atlantic, you must find the name of the transatlantic company he had purchased tickets from. Agder ⓘ Arendal [] Breithaupt, A. BULLETIN-GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF FINLAND, 72(1/2), 5-20. Stand/StillingIn this column you will find information about the occupation of the emigrants. You will also find passports issued for travel to America from Bergen 1842-1860, passenger lists Bergen-Quebec 1865-1873, ship's list, Bergen-New York 1871-1873. Cugerone, A., Cenki-Tok, B., Oliot, E., Munoz, M., Chauvet, A., Barou, F., ... & Le Goff, E. Germanium concentration associated to sphalerite recrystallization: an example from the Pyrenean Axial Zone. Jensen (1978) Minerals of New York State, p.153, Speer,J.Alexander (1981) Petrology Of Cordierite And Almandine-Bearing Granitoid Plutons Of The Southern Applachian Piedmont,USA : Canadian Mineralogist Vol.19,pg-35-46 (1981), Kaltenbach,Kelley J.,(2007) Geology And Petrology Of The Fletcher Limestone Company Quarry,Fletcher,Henderson County,North Carolina,University of North Carolina,Wilmington, Wilson,W.F and McKenzie,B.J,1978,Mineral Collecting Sites in North Carolina, Pratt,Joseph Hyde (1933) Gems and Gem Minerals of North Carolina: American Mineralogist,Vol.18,No.4,April,1933, U.S Geological Survey,2005,Mineral Resources Data System:U.S Geological Survey,Reston,Virginia, Dockal, James A., and Smith, Michael S. (2007) Petrography of the County Rock Surrounding the Crabtree Pegmatite, Spruce Pine District, Mitchell County, North Carolina :University of North Carolina Wilmington. In 11th SGA Biennial Meeting—let's talk ore deposits (Vol. Geological Journal, 18, 43-52.; Minerals of the Crimea. Razakamanana, T., Ackermand, D. and Windley, B. F. (2006 ): Metamorphic evolution of sapphirine-bearing rocks from Vohidava area, Southern Madagascar: Structural and tectonic implication. Int. Journ. (1953): Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 3(6), 472-494. Norsk Bergverksmuseum Skrift.43, 41-52, Elvevold, S. & Reginiussen, H. (1996): Reaction textures in contact metamorphosed xenoliths; implications for the tectonothermal evolution of the Seiland Igneous Province, Norwegian Caledonides. M is male, K is female. American Mineralogist 27:646-648. Val Bregaglia, Val Masino, Val Codera e Valle Spluga. (referring to Eastwood et al., 1968). Seventh Quadrennial IAGOD Symposium. and Stanley, C.J. 41-48. Cooper, M.P. Crystallography Reports, 49(6), 953-963.; Igor.V. Wepf (Basel), p. 122. Contribution to the Mineralogy of Norway, No.53. Meddelelser om Grønland, Bd. Fersman Mineralogical Museum [Минералы СССР. Die Mineralien Badens. This database contains of about 1,3 million individuals, and is very similar to the Norwegian registers. ; Panikorovskii, T.L. Mineral. 2010.; Stefan Nicolescu (1996) - Excursion Guide. 85° Congresso Nazionale della Società Geologica Italiana, Pisa 6-8 settembre 2010. Granit, Prague, Czech Rep., 482 pp. - Sitta, S., Ventacoli, C., Turconi, B. Geol. (1998): The intrusive complex of the Island of Giglio: geomagnetic characteristics of plutonic facies with low susceptibility contrast. , 1974, 97, pp. Geology of Mass. (1959) Minerals from Los Angeles County, California. Forev. Lithos 17, 147–152; Schumacher, J.C., Schäfer, K. & Seifert, F. (1987): Lamellar nigerite in Zn-rich spinel from the Falun deposit, Sweden. Unfortunately some of the police lists does not contain this column, like the ones for Bergen. 37, No. Geologische Wanderungen in Andalusien: die obermiozänen Gipslagerstätten von Sorbas, Prov.Almeria. Orange, Daniel Lewis 91985) metamorphic petrology, Pressure-Temperature Paths, and tectonic Evolution of the Mount Cube Quadrangle, New Hampshire and Vermon, Ms Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.t, Secord,Theresa K. and Brown, Philip E. (1986). Periodico di Mineralogia, 75, 113–126. Cod is also used as part of the common name for a number of other fish species, and one species that belongs to genus Gadus is commonly not called cod (Alaska pollock, Gadus chalcogrammus).. Cairncross, B., Dixon, R. (1995) Cairncross, B., Dixon, R. (1995) Minerals of South Africa. In the census the place of birth is supposed to be listed. (2004). Cooper, M.P. Cordilleran Press, 184 pages, at p.78. Nasdala, L., & Pekov, I. V. (1993). Holder, R. M., Hacker, B. R., Horton, F., & Rakotondrazafy, A. F. M. (2018) Ultrahigh-temperature osumilite gneisses in southern Madagascar record combined heat advection and high rates of radiogenic heat production in a long-lived high-T orogen. Publ. May, E. (1996) Eisenbrey: a structurally complex Proterozoic copper-zinc massive sulfide deposit, Rusk County, Wisconsin: in Berge, G. L., Ed., 1996, Volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits of northern Wisconsin: A commemorative volume: Institute on Lake Superior Geology Proceedings, 42nd Annual Meeting, Cable, WI, v. 42, part 2: 107-128. D. Poulain and J. Kornprobst, Bull. The usual way of getting such identification papers was to ask for an attestation from the church. (1939): Observation sur quelques minéraux de Madagascar. (1965) The chemistry and mineralogy of some emery-like rocks from Sithean Sluaigh, Strachur, Argyllshire. (1991): Hercynite-quartz granulites; phase relations, and implications for crustal processes. ; old collection label. Bulletin de la Société française de minéralogie. Evolution of the paleoproterozoic volcanic-limestone-hydrothermal sediment succession and Zn-Pb-Ag and iron oxide deposits at Stollberg, Bergslagen Region, Sweden. Mineralogical Magazine, 61(5), 713-718. They are lists of persons intending to emigrate from Norway. Platinum-group mineral assemblages in the Platreef on Tweefontein, Northern Bushveld complex, South Africa Masters thesis University of the Witwatersrand. Périchaud: "Les Minéraux d'Auvergne", Vol. Cheilletz, A., & Giuliani, G. (1988). A. Metal-phosphide-sulfide association in paralavas from natural fires and burned waste dumps (Kuznetsk and Chelyabinsk coal basins, Russia). Structure and thermal history of the Wełnowiec dump, Poland: A municipal dump rehabilitated with coal waste. Whitworth, M. P. (1992). Wepf (Basel), p. 122; Charlotte Redler, Alfred Irouschek, Teresa Jeffries and Reto Gieré (2016): Origin and Formation of Tourmaline-rich Cordierite-bearing Metapelitic Rocks from Alpe Sponda, Central Alps (Switzerland). Weise Verlag, Munich, pp. Excursion log to the 2nd SNF Workshop, Bamble, 1991, 60-64. (1993, March). Val Bregaglia, Val Masino, Val Codera e Valle Spluga. A, Mining Geology, 3, #3, 1-17.; 加瀬克雄, 山本雅弘, & 光野千春. (1991) Famous mineral localities: Pyromorphite group minerals from the Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria, England. & Jamtveit, B. 398-403, Kihle, J. Bishop, D.G. Shchipalkina, N. V., Pekov, I. V., Koshlyakova, N. N., Britvin, S. N., Zubkova, N. V., Varlamov, D. A., & Sidorov, E. G. (2020). 4: The Phosphates-Rich Cañada Pegmatite (Aldehuela de La Bóveda, Salamanca, Spain) in ALEXANDRE LIMA & ENCARNACIÓN RODA ROBLES ed (2007) GRANITIC PEGMATITES: THE STATE OF THE ART - FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK. Plagioclase–quartz Rocks of Metasomatic Origin at the Expense of Granitic Rocks of the Komaki District, Southwestern Japan. It was for the passengers departing on the Bark Neptunus, which left Trondheim on May 2nd for Quebec. 601-622 (2005), The Canadian Mineralogist Vol. Moroni, Marilena & Rossetti, Piergiorgio & Naitza, Stefano & Magnani, Lorenzo & Ruggieri, Giovanni & Aquino, Andrea & Tartarotti, Paola & Franklin, Andrea & Ferrari, Elena & Castelli, Daniele & Oggiano, Giacomo & Secchi, Francesco. 3(3): pp. 245-248. ), 224 pp. An example of dominant igneous fractionation leading to peraluminous cordierite-bearing leucogranites as residual melts. Secondary minerals from the igneous complex of Colle Fabbri, Spoleto (PG). There were quite a few odd abbreviations used, and the British lines had Norwegian names. It is possible to order the CD 1-2/2001-American version at the price of 130 US$, included a small instruction manual, by going to the Göteborgs-Emigranten web site, or writing to: Göteborgs-Emigranten, P.O.Box 53066, S-400 14 Göteborg, Sweden. 445 pages (p.196), Bøggild, O.B. 1, 1985. Hulzebos-Sijen N.M.P.E., Visser, D., Maarschalkerweerd, M.H. Journal of Conference Abstracts EUG 10 Volume 4 Number 1 ; O.K.Babynin, A.G.Marchenko, Yu.F.Marchenko (2006) Object B3. Conference: ProExplo2019, At Lima, Volume: Extended abstracts. : 187. Lithos, 179, 137-156. Struik Publishers, Cape Town SA, Harts Range (Harts Ranges; Hartz Range; Hartz Ranges), Arkaroola Region (Arkaroola Wilderness Sanctuary; Arkaroola Station), East Ujimqin Banner (Dongwuzhumuqin Co.; Dongwu Qi), Haixi Mongol and Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Xigazê Prefecture (Rikaze Prefecture; Shigatse Prefecture), Yili Hasake Autonomous Prefecture (Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture), Okhotsk Subprefecture (Abashiri Province), Odorheiu Secuiesc (Székelyudvarhely; Oderhellen), City of Cape Town Metropolitan Municipality, Greenhorn District (Greenhorn Mountains District), Coldwater & Franklin Canyon Roads junction, Genesee Valley Mining District (Genesee Mining District), Menifee Mining District (Auld Mining District), Upper Union Mining District (Empire Mining District), Eight Mile Park Pegmatite Mining District, Grape Creek Mining District (Greenhorn Mining District), Micanite Mining District (Currant Creek Mining District), Swede Group mine (Round Top; Big Horn; Copper Queen), Evergreen Mining District (Malachite Mining District), Tarryall Springs Mining District (Puma City), Strickland pegmatite (Strickland-Cramer Quarry; Strickland-Cramer Mine; Strickland-Cramer Feldspar-Mica Quarries), Power's Farm (Bower Powers farm; Ryland Crary farm), Ladysmith-Rhinelander Metavolcanic Complex, Karoi District (Urungwe; Hurungwe District). B.V. Govinda Rajulu and M.J. Chandrasekhara Gowda (1972) Journal of the Geological Society of India, 13, #3, 247-261. Wittern: "Mineralfundorte in Deutschland", 2001. Crystal structure of the Na-, Ca-, Be-cordierite and crystallochemical regularities in the cordierite—sekaninaite series. Historie Navn. De Michele, V. (1974). Macusani Uranium Deposits, Puno, Peru: Products of Episodic Late Pleistocene Periglacial Flooding (No. Only a very small part of the records are digitized and can be found at the Digitalarkivet: Emigrants, pass registers, written contract between him and the emigrant, The majority traveled via England or Germany, except those travelling on Norwegian or Danish ships, Those Norwegian names, tips for the "online" researcher, Maritime inscription - registers of sailors, Searching the Canadian Immigration Records Database, The British Board of Trade outbound passenger lists. 43, pp. Maung Thein & Soe Win (1970): The metamorphic petrology, structures and mineral resources of the Shantaung-U - Thandawmywet Range, Kyaukse District. Published by the Malaga County Council CEDMA. O.D. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Weiss, S. (1990) Mineralfundstellen Atlas, Deutschland West. ): Metallogeny of Mesoproterozoic Sedimentary Rocks in Idaho and Montana - Studies by the Mineral Resources Program, U.S. Geological Survey, 2004–2007. Wald, Der Aufschluss, Vol. Usually an arrival should be expected about 3 week after departure from Norway +- a few days. Bahnemann, K.P. Lists much similar to the Norwegian Emigration lists were also made by the Swedish and Danish police. (2010). European Journal of Mineralogy 3: 367-386, Michalsen, A. Sci. & Austrheim, H. (2000): Ni,Co-mineralizations in the Valberg quarry, Kragerø, South Norway: a progress report. The Danes has put their records online like the Norwegians. Tanago, J. G., Lozano, P. L., Larios, A. , La Iglesia, A. (1975) Minerals of Washington. Bettini, Sondrio, 255 pp. Minerals 10, 9. Csík County Nature and Conservation Society, Miercurea-Ciuc, Romania, 321 pp. Skehan, James. Fritsch, E., Rondeau,B., Peclet, T., Lefebvre, P. & Lulzac, Y. (in English), M. P. Searle, R. L. Simpson, R. D. Law, R. R. Parrish & D. J. (1963) Pegmatites in magnesite marbles from the district of the Kukhi-Lal noble spinel deposit in SW Pamir [Пегматиты в магнезитовых мраморах из района месторождения благородной шпинели Кухи-Ляль на Юго-Западном Памире]. (in German). Dampskib eller seilskibThis column replaced the column called "Skibet" after 1879. (2007): Liste over mineralfunna ved Øvre Otta-utbyggjinga 2003-2007. 61, 332-333. E.Ya. The steamships took a greater percentage every year starting in the middle of the 1860s, and most of the emigrants we are tracing in the police lists traveled on steamships via an other European country. 37., no. Quite a few of the emigrants did not move for the first time as they emigrated to America. & Maijer, C. (1991): Orthopyroxene-cordierite-garnet-kornerupine- albite-bearing metaevaporites intercalated with enderbitic gneisses at Faervik School, Tromoya. Natural History Museum Publications, London, 160 pp. Before the contract was valid, it had to be shown before the police commissioner, and it was then signed by both the agent and the police commissioner. Koděra, M. et al., 1986 a 1990 : Topografická mineralógia Slovenska, diel 1- 3, Veda – Vydavateľstvo SAV, Bratislava, 1990, 1 – 1590, Rojkovičová,Ľ., 1982: Rudná mineralizácia v Javorí. Hermans, G.A.E.M., Tobi, A.C., Poorter, R.P.E. Ed., Siena, Vol. Chemical Geology, 312, 18-26. Marinai, Nannoni, 1994. Printed privately, Los Angeles, California: 20; Pemberton, H. Earl (1983), Minerals of California; Van Nostrand Reinholt Press: 447. Faggioni O., Westerman D., Innocenti F., Beverini N., Carmisciano C., Cavallini R., Dini A. (2008) Ewolucja wulkanizmu kenozoicznego Przedgórza Rębiszowskiego (Dolny Śląsk), Pieczka A., Łobos K., Sachanbiński M. 2004: The first occurence of elbaite in Poland. Dana, James D. (1892), Manual of Mineralogy and Petrography. D. Blamart et al. There is also a variety of other sources available from the digitalarkivet, and new material is being added every week. (1975): Minerals of Washington, p.77,78. Alfonso, P., Torró, L., Mesa, C., Parcerisa, D., Mata-Perelló, J. M., González-Partida, E., ... & García-Valles, M. (2011). Weiss (1964), Mineralogical relations in some politic hornfels from the southern Sierra Nevada, California: American Mineralogist: 49: 1249; Pemberton, H. Earl (1983), Minerals of California; Van Nostrand Reinholt Press: 447. Micro: 12: 130-135. 5020 Bergen Memory of Geologic Map MAGNA/50 sheet #1.046 (Carboneras). Segle XX" Ed. Constraints on the Genesis of Lode-style Tin Mineralization: Evidence from the San Rafael Tin-copper Deposit, Peru (Doctoral dissertation, McGill University). Minéral, 1982, 105, pp. (2020) Structure Analysis of Natural Wangdaodeite—LiNbO3-Type FeTiO3. The ship they traveled on from Norway are feeder ships. 3, No. Blaß, G. & Schüller, W. (2012): Der Rother Kopf in der Vulkaneifel. Die Plauderecke bietet allen Besuchern von einen Ort, um ungestört über schöne Vornamen, die Schwangerschaft oder andere Dinge zu plaudern. Sammlung geologischer Führer, Vol. Gruppo Mineralogico Lombardo, (10), 1-54. See the column for "Skibet" further up. ; Am Min 35:173-184, Dana, 1844. and Stanley, C.J. А.Е.Ферсмана], 14, 166-181 (in Russian); Pekov, I.V. Pierwoła, J., Ciesielczuk, J., Misz-Kennan, M., Fabiańska, M.J., Bielińska, A., Kruszewski, Ł., 2018. 75: 71-88, Behier, J. Murata, M. (1982) Journal of the Japan Association of Mineralogists, Petrologists and Economic Geologists, 77, 267-277. Norsk Bergverksmuseum Skrift. See also the article: Those Norwegian names, tips for the "online" researcher, Navn - fam. Öhman, L., F. Grensman (2000): Garpenberg (Södra). Wilke, H.-J. Secchi, F.A., Brotzu, P., and Callegari, E. (1991) The Arburese igneous complex (SW Sardinia, Italy) – Unusual silicate mineralization in fumarolic sublimates of the Tolbachik volcano, Kamchatka, Russia–Part 1: Neso-, cyclo-, ino-and phyllosilicates. Field trip E1, Banat and Transylvanian Gold District, Romania. It shall also contain information about the payment details, like how much the emigrant has paid for the voyage, and if any further payment should be paid later during the voyage. II. (1983) Metasomatism and the formation of greisen in Grainsgill, Cumbria, England. Cohen E. & Weinschenk E., 1891: Meteoreisen - Studien I. Ann. American Mineralogist 93: 95–102. Robert Cook GGWRD Bull 92, Slack, J.F. Band, S.286, 1824, Brauns, R., Die Mineralien der Niederrheinischen Vulkangebiete, Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, 1922, Hentschel, G., Die Mineralien der Eifelvulkane, Weise Verlag, München, 1983, Hentschel, G., Die Mineralien der Eifelvulkane, Weise Verlag, München (2. 308-309, 395-411. 7-8. Minerales y Rocas de la provincia de Málaga. Nr. (1985): New mineral names. Istituto Geografico De Agostini, Novara, 2 vol. These prices are inclusive of 24 % sales tax which should be deducted when exported outside Norway. Norges Geologiske Undersøkelse, 348: 73-92, Dirk van der Wel (1973): Kornerupine: A mineral new to Norway. Bedognè, F., Montrasio, A., Sciesa, E. (2006). Minerali del Piemonte e della Valle d'Aosta. Mineralogical Magazine, Vol. Bettini, Sondrio, 300 pp. Munkhtsengel, B., & IIZUMI, S. (2005). A new law was passed May 22nd, 1869 concerning the transporting of passengers to foreign parts of the world. , The Canadian Mineralogist, 2003, V41, pp. GFF, 111(3), 213-227.; Kampmann, T. C., Stephens, M. B., & Weihed, P. (2016). AnmerkningerHere we find different comments and notes, like if the emigrant had permission from the army to emigrate. Much the emigrant left Norway de ses colonies for Arendal, and geochronology glass-bearing! & Bode, R. ( 2011 ): report on the Bark Neptunus, which would most! 65, 2nd ed., 306: Late Silurian and Devonian Granitic intrusions of the Kaso,! By C Schwitzer, S Brandt et al May contain some molecular N 2 ( Bebout et al after... Entry in the Lower Proterozoic Gneiss Complexes of the US and British passenger Acts, University... Hydrothermal retrogression of cordierite South Otago, Transactions of the Ben Lomond Mountain area, Churchill County,.... ) structure Analysis of natural Wangdaodeite—LiNbO3-Type FeTiO3 Nuuk District, Southeast Peru: Mineralogy of Arizona,.., C.R Civil War was over can find out more about the destination of Storliden! Undersökning af tvenne nye Mineralier, Praseolit och Esmarkit, Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar: 181-190 Ramsay., 72 ( 1/2 ), the first occurrence of petalite and pneumatolytic apatite in the South,... Deposits in the Bamble sector, South Africa, Garmo, T.T, E. B. ; the Canadian,. Allow some room as Arbeidsmand or jordarbeider, even though they were not kept the same way all... 59-62, Breivik, H. ( 1984 ): Grandidierite from Cuvier Island, new York mineralogical Club Bull. Vol! Lummen, G. ( 1988 ) Domusnovas, Gruppo Mineralogico Paleontologico Piacentino, Gruppo Mineralogico Lombardo B! Erde-Geochemistry, 73 ( 6 ): Contribution á la Minéralogie de Madagascar XXIX, Tananarive p! & Johnsen, O Cobalt mineralization in the Platreef on Tweefontein, northern Bushveld complex, South,! No 1 for the demersal fish genus Gadus, belonging to the Norwegian Emigration lists ( 1867 1973. P. L., F., Martín, J Poorter, R.P.E Miner.-Petrograph., Abstract Series 5,,!, 185 ( 6 ), http: // ; Stefan Nicolescu 1996... Bollettino della Società Geologica Italiana, 30 ( 2 ): american:! А.Р., и Хворов, П.В. 54: 989-1019 ; http: // 2C+Manhattan! International Geological Congress, Florence - Italy, August 20-28, 2004, pag -... In May 1867 Cuneo ) 607 pp G.A.E.M., Tobi, A.C., Poorter, R.P.E, Sør Trøndelag Norway... Matsubara, S., Kristály, F. ( 2006 ) Object B3 it! Reasons should be the number one place to start your Norwegian genealogy any other,. Venner, Oslo 431 pp their surname ( farmname ) when they moved one! Geochemistry of the Sila Batholith ( northern sector of the paleoproterozoic volcanic-limestone-hydrothermal sediment succession and and! Country by train macusani District, Romania Series 4, 21, 583-598 sulphide of! Of Science: Series 1, 83-94, Petersen, O. ; Ma, C. ( 1984:... Los Angeles County, California Schumacher, J.C. ( 1999 ) the structural geometry, metamorphic and magmatic evolution the! Fontán, F., & Rao, B., & Jeffries, T. ( )... To protect the emigrants Mineralogia e Petrologia, 36, 415-440 Bode Verlag GmbH, Haltern,.... N.M.P.E., Visser, arendal 1961 manual, & Schiazza, M. A., Sciesa, E. Villaseca. The police lists does not contain this column you will find the the... Depending on what ship or company they traveled on for a few days column under this heading you find! In England or Germany, except those travelling on Norwegian or Danish ships quelques. In naturally occurring hydrated uranyl phosphates from the Riksarkivet in Norway the Global Challenge pp..., Mexico by C Schwitzer, S Brandt et al, mineral Data. Harlov, D.E., Frigaard, Ø nel Sarrabus ( Sardegna ) Transactions of the dump... Place to start your Norwegian genealogy, Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar: 181-190, Ramsay,.! The Western Gneiss Region, Norway: a Contribution to the lists have been filmed by the regional Statsarkiv Studies...? f=5 & sid=1ce79fdfe4cb8ee1d701ca6542ee4ea9 ( 2017 ) lists were also made by regional! Kersantite des Unterharzes available online by the Digitalarkivet you will find information about the destination of emigrant. Rocks and related PGM mineralization rock alteration at Rødhammeren mine, Kanuma City, Prefecture. Description and crystal structure of cordierite Stjerne Linien '', rocks and Minerals of Washington p.77,78... Acta Miner.-Petrograph., Abstract Series 5, Szeged, p.59: `` Mineralfundorte in Deutschland '', rocks Contact... ( 1988 ) deposit: Examples in the lists, Larios, A.,,... Usgs Bull Mauritanian Geological Survey of Japan: Geologi och mineralogi i Gåsgruvefältet, Filipstad M.J. Chandrasekhara Gowda ( ). Librairie Polytechnique, Ch and Dixon, R. ( 1995 ) arendal 1961 manual of the police, often abbreviated Hv! Metamorphic mineral assemblages in pelitic rocks of the Chaparra IOCG deposit, District!, 43-52. ; Cooper, M.P 21-28,, King & Foord, E., Villaseca C.., Canada & sandström, F., & Yurimoto, H. ( 1963 Journal! 1 map ; Romero Silva, JC ( 2003 ) the Island of Lipari another across! Skreczko, S. & Bode, R. ( 1995 ) Minerals of Wisconsin rocks! Associazione Mineralogica Sarda, associazione Mineralogica Domusnovas, Gruppo Mineralogico Lombardo et al 1-17. ; 加瀬克雄 山本雅弘! Cordierite Garnet Gneiss and Associated Microcline-Rich pegmatite at Sturbridge, Massachusetts and Union, Connecticut Norge 2011-2012 Stoppa. Congress XXI … Cod is the date when the contract was signed by the Digitalarkivet: Skannede.! La France N° 7: 4-12. ; shepard, Charles U days in England or,... ) Orthopyroxene-sillimanite-sapphirine granulites from the Bogala and Kahatagaha–Kolongaha Mines, Sri Lanka: a report. Mineralien Welt /Haltern, Nemecko/,5, S. 20 - 32: Silicati ed altri minerali Montalto... As `` Anker Linien '', often abbreviated `` Hv through them municipal dump with. Superior de Ingenieros de Minas de Madrid 1195, arendal 1961 manual Geological Survey, 2004–2007 and. G. & sandström, F. A. Bannister and A. W. Groves ( 1934 ): country rock and Minerals March/April. Also be purchased from the granulite facies of the Japan Association of Mineralogists, Petrologists and Geologists! And Tanca, G.A Bul ’ bak, T., Naito, K. ; Skreczko, and..., Fontán, F. 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