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Research led by the University of Southampton (UK) suggests that 'rogue' waves are occurring less often, but becoming more extreme. Ocean currents are the continuous, predictable, directional movement of seawater driven by gravity, wind (Coriolis Effect), and water density. These so-called “freak waves” arenot confined to the Atlantic Ocean or North Sea. Evidence of failure by this mechanism was also found on the Derbyshire. [13] "In 2004 scientists using three weeks of radar images from European Space Agency satellites found ten rogue waves, each 25 metres (82 ft) or higher."[14]. rogue waves can remain hidden behind a background of random waves (blue and green), only to rise up with sudden violence. Storm waves moving up from the south crash into the current -- mathematical predictions suggest rogue waves there could reach 190 feet in height, and 20 ships have reported rogue wave strikes in that area since 1990 [source: Smith, 188]. Loading... Unsubscribe from Stan Gibilisco? luxury cruise ship that sank in the North Atlantic Ocean in 1912. crack in the Earth's crust that spews hot gases and mineral-rich water. Wild storms make for wild seas, and for hundreds of years sailors have returned to harbor with tales of encountering huge waves in the ocean. In this case, focusing is primarily due to different waves coming into phase, rather than any energy transfer processes. They also showed that the steepness of rogue waves could be reproduced in this manner. [8] However, what caught the attention of the scientific community was the digital measurement of a rogue wave at the Draupner platform in the North Sea on January 1, 1995; called the "Draupner wave", it had a recorded maximum wave height of 25.6 metres (84 ft) and peak elevation of 18.5 metres (61 ft). For example, he Agulhas Current runs southward along the east coast of Africa. [b] This is in effect 20 metres (66 ft) of green water (possibly a super rogue wave)[c] flowing over the vessel. If you haven’t spent much time at sea, you may have seen rogue waves on the silver screen. The government investigation included a comprehensive survey by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, which took 135,774 pictures of the wreck during two surveys. They are also different from the waves described as "hundred-year waves", which is a purely statistical prediction of the highest wave likely to occur in a hundred-year period in a particular body of water. Rogue waves seem not to have a single distinct cause, but occur where physical factors such as high winds and strong currents cause waves to merge to create a single exceptionally large wave. [32] Some research confirms that observed wave height distribution in general follows well the Rayleigh distribution, but in shallow waters during high energy events, extremely high waves are more rare than this particular model predicts. Smith observed in 2007 that the navy now believes that larger waves can occur and the possibility of extreme waves that are steeper (i.e. Therefore, rogue waves are not necessarily the biggest waves found on the water; they are, rather, unusually large waves for a given sea state. It suggests one of 30 metres (98 ft) could indeed happen – but only once in ten thousand years (of wave height of 12 metres (39 ft)). In 1933 in the North Pacific, the US Navy transport USS Ramapo triangulated a rogue wave at thirty-four meters in height. [1] Tsunamis are caused by a massive displacement of water, often resulting from sudden movements of the ocean floor, after which they propagate at high speed over a wide area. Severe storms moving inland often create a storm surge, a long wave caused by high winds and a continued low pressure area. One of the most infamous sinkings in Great Lakes history, the "Edmund Fitzgerald," may have been caused by one or more rogue waves. Huge, freak waves are hard to predict and may be becoming more prevalent. Previous research had strongly suggested that the wave resulted from an interaction between waves from different directions ("crossing seas"). They follow from theoretical analysis but had never been proven experimentally. A phenomenon which is known as the “Three Sisters” is said to occur in Lake Superior (yes, rogue waves can also occur in lakes) when a series of three large waves forms. [85] Additional works carried out in optics have pointed out the role played by a nonlinear structure called Peregrine soliton that may explain those waves that appear and disappear without leaving a trace.[86][87]. These are considered to be the most important discoveries in the twentieth and twenty first centuries mathematical and experimental physics. The Rights Holder for media is the person or group credited. Heat waves can occur in almost any country around the world, including the United States, Denmark, Russia, Australia and England. München was a state-of-the-art cargo ship with multiple water-tight compartments and an expert crew. The audio, illustrations, photos, and videos are credited beneath the media asset, except for promotional images, which generally link to another page that contains the media credit. They appear in other contexts and have recently been reported in liquid helium, in nonlinear optics and in microwave cavities. These were later harmonised into a single set of rules. When the wind increases, the waves get larger. Many of these encounters are only reported in the media, and are not examples of open ocean rogue waves. For example, he Agulhas Current runs southward along the east coast of Africa. ", "A Chronology of Freaque Wave Encounters", "US Army Engineer Waterways Experimental Station: Coastal Engineering Technical Note CETN I-60", "The shape of the Draupner wave of 1st January", "Critical review on potential use of satellite date to find rogue waves", "Observing the Earth: Ship-Sinking Monster Waves revealed by ESA Satellites", "Nonlinear Wave Statistics in a Focal Zone", "Optical sciences group – Theoretical Physics – ANU", Laboratory recreation of the Draupner wave and the role of breaking in crossing seas - McAllister,, "Lego pirate proves, survives, super rogue wave", "Lego Pirate Proves, Survives, Super Rogue Wave", "Mapping a strategy for rogue monsters of the seas", "A new algorithm from MIT could protect ships from 'rogue waves' at sea", "Reduced-order precursors of rare events in unidirectional nonlinear water waves", "Rogue Waves – National Geographic Society", "Freak wave probability higher than thought ' News in Science (ABC Science)", "The physics of anomalous ('rogue') ocean waves", "Scientists Recreated a Devastating 'Freak Wave' in The Lab, And It's Weirdly Familiar", "Monster waves blamed for shipping disasters", "European Commission : CORDIS : Projects & Results Service : Periodic Report Summary – EXTREME SEAS (Design for ship safety in extreme seas)", "Can Rogue Waves Be Predicted Using Characteristic Wave Parameters? However, other situations can also give rise to rogue waves, particularly situations where non-linear effects or instability effects can cause energy to move between waves and be concentrated in one or very few extremely large waves before returning to "normal" conditions. Rogue waves frequently occur in areas known for strong ocean currents. The bulkhead and double bottom must be strong enough to allow the ship to survive flooding in hold one unless loading is restricted. People sightseeing on shore which has relatively dry sand can be hit by a wave that seems to come out of nowhere, a sleeper or sneaker wave. Author Susan Casey wrote that much of that disbelief came because there were very few people who had seen a rogue wave, and survived; until the advent of steel double-hulled ships of the 20th century "people who e… The other problem is that, even where interference does occur, rogue waves still shouldn't be so common. Also called seas. Subsequently, one may also ask, where do the most rogue waves occur? current moving in a different motion or direction than the main current, often circular. pre-eminent explorers and scientists collaborating with the National Geographic Society to make groundbreaking discoveries that generate critical scientific information, conservation-related initiatives and compelling stories. A more detailed map is given in Dysthe et. The areas of highest predictable risk appear to be where a strong current runs counter to the primary direction of travel of the waves; the area near Cape Agulhas off the southern tip of Africa is one such area; the warm Agulhas Current runs to the southwest, while the dominant winds are westerlies. Any interactives on this page can only be played while you are visiting our website. When this happens, the curved current narrowly focuses the wave’s energy, like an optical lens can powerfully focus light into a single beam.Dr. When they catch up with each other, they combine and grow until they produce giant waves. Such rogue wave groups have been observed in nature. Explore these resources to teach your students about catastrophic weather events and how they impact every part of the world. In Figure 3 the red pins denote the approximate positions of all the rogue waves observed around the world (see [6]). [39], There are more than 50 classification societies worldwide, each with different rules, although most new ships are built to the standards of the 12 members of the International Association of Classification Societies, which implemented two sets of Common Structural Rules; one for oil tankers and one for bulk carriers; in 2006. The only evidence found was the starboard lifeboat, which was recovered from floating wreckage some time later. [116] Rosenthal notes that as at 2005 rogue waves were not explicitly accounted for in Classification Societies’ Rules for ships’ design. This was a scientific research vessel and was fitted with high quality instruments. A 'rogue wave' is large, unexpected, and dangerous. Peak elevation above still water level was 18.5 metres (61 ft). A heat wave is defined as a period of above-average high temperatures, sometimes accompanied by high humidity. She or he will best know the preferred format. The pins had been bent back from forward to aft, indicating the lifeboat hanging below it had been struck by a wave that had run from fore to aft of the ship and had torn the lifeboat from the ship. One of the places rogue waves appear to happen most frequently is off the southeast coast of South Africa. }. As they travel across the ocean, some waves move faster than others. This pressure far exceeds almost any design criteria for modern ships and this wave would have destroyed almost any merchant vessel. Rogue waves seem not to have a single distinct cause, but occur where physical factors such as high winds and strong currents cause waves to merge to create a single exceptionally large wave.[1]. steady, predictable flow of fluid within a larger body of that fluid. Earth Science, Oceanography, Geography, Physical Geography, Physics. They concluded "that the onset and type of wave breaking play a significant role and differ significantly for crossing and non-crossing waves. Or you may have seen a ship dwarfed by the mountainous wave it’s desperately trying to climb. Scientists have, … At 3 p.m. on 1 January 1995, the device recorded a rogue wave with a maximum wave height of 25.6 metres (84 ft). (In deep ocean the speed of a gravity wave is proportional to the square root of its wavelength, i.e., the distance peak-to-peak between adjacent waves.) [39], In addition fast moving waves are now known to also exert extremely high dynamic pressure. Rogue waves can occur in media other than water. The first scientific study to comprehensively prove that freak waves exist, which are clearly outside the range of Gaussian waves, was published in 1997. Students learn about the parts of a wave, wave height, and wavelength and then draw and label a wave. The loss of the MS München in 1978 provided some of the first physical evidence of the existence of rogue waves. Libe Washburn, a geography professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara, explains what occurs to waves interacting with a current like the Agulhas. This basic assumption was well accepted, though acknowledged to be an approximation. The strength of the current concentrates the wave energy, forming large waves. Rogue waves can develop anytime, anywhere. Quantifying the impact of rogue waves on ships, Smith has presented calculations for a hypothetical bulk carrier with a length of 275 m and a displacement of 161,000 metric tons where the design hydrostatic pressure 8.75 m below the waterline would be. On his very first ocean expedition, as a 17-year-old National Science Foundation scholar, Ballard also encountered one of the sea’s most amazing, and dangerous, natural marvels: a rogue wave.“We were 500 miles out to sea off Eureka, California, on a Scripps [Research Institute] ship called the ORCA,” Ballard writes by email. A professor of applied mathematics at the University of Colorado at Boulder, Dr. The lifeboats hung from forward and aft blocks 20 metres (66 ft) above the waterline. After modelling the effect, the researchers announced that they had successfully characterized the proper initial conditions for generating rogue waves in any medium. [30] The reading was confirmed by the other sensors. "Ship-sinking monster waves revealed by ESA satellites", National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, International Association of Classification Societies, "Rogue Waves – Monsters of the deep: Huge, freak waves may not be as rare as once thought", Dynamics of nonautonomous rogue waves in Bose–Einstein condensate, "Observation of rogue wave holes in a water wave tank", "Rogue Waves: The Fourteenth 'Aha Huliko'A Hawaiian Winter Workshop", Freak wave event at Draupner jacket January 1 1995, "Task Report – NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory – Ann Arbor, MI, USA", "Were extreme waves in the Rockall Trough the largest ever recorded? The scientists do believe in rogue waves because we have proof of that but they do not believe that the ninth wave theory has anything to do with them. Hereof, where do rogue waves happen? The first scientific evidence of their existence came with the recording of a rogue wave by the Gorm platform in the central North Sea in 1984. During that event, minor damage was inflicted on the platform far above sea level, confirming the validity of the reading made by a down-pointing laser sensor. A rogue wave appearing at the shore is sometimes referred to as a sneaker wave. [109] Smith has documented scenarios where hydrodynamic pressure of up to 5,650 kilopascals (525 kN/sq ft) or over 500 metric tonnes per 1 square metre (11 sq ft) could occur. Privacy Notice |  If waves met at an angle less than about 60 degrees, then the top of the wave "broke" sideways and downwards (a "plunging breaker"). Perhaps there are even 5x rogue waves yet to be discovered in the world’s seas. One of the places rogue waves appear to happen most frequently is off the southeast coast of South Africa. They are distinct from tsunamis, which are caused by the displacement of water due to other phenomena (such as earthquakes) and are often almost unnoticeable in deep waters. Encounters with rogue waves have been rare but memorable. "Lake Superior Shipwrecks", p. 28. Sean Collins made a living by using scientific data to predict the time and location of the best surfing conditions. Such rogue wave groups have been observed in nature.[82]. Apart from one single rogue wave, the rogue wave may be part of a wave packet consisting of a few rogue waves. A phenomenon known as the "Three Sisters" is said to occur in Lake Superior when a series of three large waves forms. The design of the hatches only allowed for a static pressure of less than 2 metres (6.6 ft) of water or 17.1 kilopascals (1.59 kN/sq ft),[d] meaning that the typhoon load on the hatches was more than ten times the design load. [9], Their existence has also since been confirmed by video and photographs, satellite imagery, radar of the ocean surface,[10] stereo wave imaging systems,[11] pressure transducers on the sea-floor, and oceanographic research vessels. This abiotic system is responsible for the transfer of heat, variations in biodiversity, and Earth’s climate system. On the other hand, energy focusing due to the chaotic, irregular and widely distributed eddies is somewhat less likely, and is essentially unpredictable, as these can occur almost everywhere.”While there are many oceanographers and other scientists who forecast rogue waves, there is a lot more to be learned. [4]. of a very different nature in characteristics as the surrounding waves in that sea state and with very low probability of occurrence (according to a Gaussian process description as valid for linear wave theory). “These waves occur everywhere, all the time,” Janssen says. Washington, DC 20036, National Geographic Society is a 501 (c)(3) organization. Recent research has suggested that there could also be "super-rogue waves", which are up to five times the average sea-state. At the time of the inquiry, the existence of rogue waves was considered so statistically unlikely as to be near impossible. average wave height of the top third of water waves in an ocean area over a given time period. tall, pole-like structure rising above the top of a ship, where sails and other rigging are held. Earth Lab - … 2 Rogue waves arise as the wind blows across the sea. “Eddies are often generated along the edges of currents, but they can survive for long times and are able to drift across oceans, forming very extensive eddy fields,” he says. If you have questions about licensing content on this page, please contact for more information and to obtain a license. [16][108], In 1980 the MV Derbyshire was lost during Typhoon Orchid south of Japan along with all of her crew. P. K. Shukla, I. Kourakis, B. Eliasson, M. Marklund and L. Stenflo: "Instability and Evolution of Nonlinearly Interacting Water Waves". Join our community of educators and receive the latest information on National Geographic's resources for you and your students. Their research created rogue wave holes on the water surface, in a water wave tank. Code of Ethics. The second wave hits the ship's deck before the first wave clears. “The question is how much they happen.”“It would be interesting to learn if the frequency of rogue waves is changing over time,” says Washburn. For example, off the coast of South Africa, wave trains frequently encounter the strong Agulhas current, causing the waves to become even steeper. Therefore, a rogue wave is a lot bigger than the other waves that are happening in its vicinity around the same time.Tim Janssen, a research scientist who studies physical oceanography in Half Moon Bay, California, says one of the best examples of a rogue wave is the so-called New Year’s Wave of 1995. There are three categories of freak waves: The possibility of the artificial stimulation of rogue wave phenomena has attracted research funding from DARPA, an agency of the United States Department of Defense. The subsequent analysis determined that under severe gale force conditions with wind speeds averaging 21 metres per second (41 kn) a ship-borne wave recorder measured individual waves up to 29.1 metres (95.5 ft) from crest to trough, and a maximum significant wave height of 18.5 metres (60.7 ft). They are coherent structures that somehow emerge from a random background—structures with properties far different from those of the waves … rate of occurrence, or the number of things happening in a specific area over specific time period. Capt. That is the Draupner wave was more than twice as tall and steep as its neighbors, with characteristics that fell outside any known wave model. According to satellite-based measurements, rogue waves do not only exist, they are relatively frequent. Sustainability Policy |  It is now universally accepted by marine researchers that these waves belong to a specific kind of sea wave, not taken into account by conventional models for sea wind waves.[45][46][47][48]. National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence Dr. Robert Ballard has discovered some of the ocean’s most fascinating treasures, from the Titanic to hydrothermal vents on the seafloor. One of the places rogue waves appear to happen most frequently is off the southeast coast of South Africa. For other uses, see, Unexpectedly large transient ocean surface wave, In reference to extreme events, rogue waves and soliton theory. power or force an object has because of its motion. Joshua Slocum, who completed the world’s first solo sail around the world, probably encountered a gigantic wave that submerged the hull of his sailboat in 1895. Smith has also proposed that the dynamic force of wave impacts should be included in the structural analysis. One of the places rogue waves appear to happen most frequently is off the southeast coast of South Africa. The deck cargo hatches on the Derbyshire were determined to be the key point of failure when the rogue wave washed over the ship. Often, in popular culture, an endangering huge wave is loosely denoted as a rogue wave, while it has not been (and most often cannot be) established that the reported event is a rogue wave in the scientific sense — i.e. A rogue wave is usually defined as a wave that is two times the significant wave height of the area. Therefore, a design criterion based on 36 feet (11.0 m) high waves seems inadequate when the risk of losing crew and cargo is considered. Consequently, the Maritime Court investigation concluded that the severe weather had somehow created an 'unusual event' that had led to the sinking of the München. In other words rogue waves do not occur after the downshifting becomes irreversible. Catastrophic weather events include hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards, and droughts, among others. [34], In 2000 the British oceanographic vessel RRS Discovery recorded a 29-metre (95 ft) wave off the coast of Scotland near Rockall. [12] In February 2000, a British oceanographic research vessel, the RRS Discovery, sailing in the Rockall Trough west of Scotland, encountered the largest waves ever recorded by any scientific instruments in the open ocean, with a SWH of 18.5 metres (61 ft) and individual waves up to 29.1 metres (95 ft). 1145 17th Street NW The ESA's ERS satellites have helped to establish the widespread existence of these "rogue" waves. Examples have occurred in the notoriously dangerous Agulhas current off the east coast of South Africa and also in the North Atlantic where the Gulf Stream interacts with waves coming down from the Labrador Sea. A 2012 study confirmed the existence of oceanic rogue holes, the inverse of rogue waves, where the depth of the hole can reach more than twice the significant wave height.[7]. These were some of the largest waves recorded by scientific instruments up to that time. At the time, surface winds were light at 15 knots. In 1942, the RMS Queen Mary was transporting 15,000 US troops to Europe when it was hit by a twenty-three meter wave and nearly capsized. [100] Smith has presented calculations using the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) Common Structural Rules (CSR) for a typical bulk carrier which are consistent. They may be called rogue waves or freak waves, but these are really extreme waves that deviate dramatically from the regular wave pattern. “These eddy fields in fact contain far more kinetic energy than the currents do. Scientists continue to study rogue waves, which remain very difficult to predict. [e][39], In 2004 an extreme wave was recorded impacting the Admiralty Breakwater, Alderney in the Channel Islands. At 91,655 gross register tons, she was — and remains — the largest British ship ever to have been lost at sea. Once considered mythical and lacking hard evidence for their existence, rogue waves are now proven to exist and known to be a natural ocean phenomenon. In that era it was widely held that no wave could exceed 30 ft (9 m). The rogue waves occur relatively infrequent and they have a short lifespan. This breakwater is exposed to the Atlantic Ocean. Draper also described freak wave holes. [114], Rogue waves present considerable danger for several reasons: they are rare, unpredictable, may appear suddenly or without warning, and can impact with tremendous force. They appear to be ubiquitous in nature and have also been reported in liquid helium, in quantum mechanics,[3] in nonlinear optics and in microwave cavities, in Bose–Einstein condensation,[4] in heat and diffusion[5] and in finance. At all." Apart from one single rogue wave, the rogue wave may be part of a wave packet consisting of a few rogue waves. A professor of applied mathematics at the University of Colorado at Boulder, Dr. Bengt Fornberg, studied this phenomenon with Marius Gerber of the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa. In that paper, which has been described as a 'seminal article', he documented the efforts of the National Institute of Oceanography in the early 1960s to record wave height, and the highest wave recorded at that time, which was about 20 m (67 ft). When you reach out to him or her, you will need the page title, URL, and the date you accessed the resource. The basic underlying physics that makes phenomena such as rogue waves possible is that different waves can travel at different speeds, and so they can "pile up" in certain circumstances, known as "constructive interference". While rogue waves still hold scientific mysteries, Ballard has some simple advice for those who are involved in designing ocean vessels: “Build safer ships,” he writes. Explore how ocean currents are interconnected with other systems with these resources. [116] As an example, DNV GL, one of the world's largest international certification body and classification society with main expertise in technical assessment, advisory, and risk management publishes their Structure Design Load Principles which remain largely based on the 'Significant Wave height' and as at January 2016 still has not included any allowance for rogue waves. We don’t even have the start of a theory. A rogue wave, and the deep trough commonly seen before and after it, may last only for some minutes before either breaking, or reducing in size again. “That’s based on physics and satellite imagery.” Any single storm in any single ocean can produce waves of about 30 to 40 feet, according to Boxall. DRL-1114251. The third incoming wave adds to the two accumulated backwashes and suddenly overloads the ship deck with tons of water. A private report was published in 1998 that prompted the British government to reopen a formal investigation into the sinking. A rogue wave is a natural ocean phenomenon that is not caused by land movement, only lasts briefly, occurs in a limited location, and most often happens far out at sea. unusually large wave not associated with a storm system or tsunami. We were unable to head for shore since we would be rolled over by the swell, so we slowly steamed into the sea until a Coast Guard cutter could reach us and escort us back to shore while telling us over the radio how to treat two crew members who were badly injured when the wave hit us.”Ballard is not the only seaman who has encountered these huge waves. waves. [22] In a storm sea with a significant wave height of 12 metres (39 ft), the model suggests there will hardly ever be a wave higher than 15 metres (49 ft). In 2004 the ESA MaxWave project identified more than ten individual giant waves above 25 metres (82 ft) in height during a short survey period of three weeks in a limited area of the South Atlantic. Specifically, it’s when a large ocean swell hits the fast-moving Agulhas current. [8], In November 1997 the International Maritime Organization (IMO) adopted new rules covering survivability and structural requirements for bulk carriers of 150 metres (490 ft) and upwards. The significant wave height is the average of the highest one-third of waves that occur over a given period. The peak pressure recorded by a shore-mounted transducer was 745 kilopascals [kPa] (108.1 psi). The formal forensic investigation concluded that the ship sank because of structural failure and absolved the crew of any responsibility. to observe rogue waves has increased and both satellite images and sensors on large ships have allowed more detailed measurement of how many waves occur. curved piece of glass or plastic shaped so as to focus or spread light rays that pass through it. The sceptics had got their sums wrong, and what was once folklore is now fact. Terms of Service |  Following the evidence of the Draupner wave, research in the area became widespread. [118], This article is about the natural phenomenon. Rogue waves has now become a near universal term given by scientists to describe isolated large amplitude waves, that occur more frequently than expected for normal, Gaussian distributed, statistical events. This material is based in part upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. "[29][35], In 2006 Smith proposed that the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) recommendation 34 pertaining to standard wave data be modified so that the minimum design wave height be increased to 65 feet (19.8 m). In 2012, researchers at the Australian National University proved the existence of rogue wave holes, an inverted profile of a rogue wave. Wolff, Julius F. (1979). do not have longer wavelengths) is now recognized. He added, `` people have been observed in nature. [ 82 ] continue study. Sea off Norway a private report was published in 1998 that prompted the British government to reopen a investigation. A living by using scientific data to predict and may be where do rogue waves occur the. Case, focusing is primarily due to different waves coming into phase, rather than energy. Do not only exist, they combine and grow until they produce giant.... 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Films, a scientific model ( and also ship design method ) to describe the you! Wave height of the places rogue waves occur relatively infrequent and they have a lifespan... Large bodies of freshwater as well as the wind increases, the first wave.! Adventure: one rogue wave appearing at the University of Colorado at Boulder, Dr. also,... Are the waves get larger the silver screen super-rogue waves '', are... Ship 's deck before the first known scientific article on `` freak waves ” arenot confined to small! Lab - … 2 rogue waves 2000 workshop held in Brest in November 2000 on user permissions, please ngimagecollection!

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